neons are poop, and rimjob, wanna make intros for all the fags that roll through here? Thats your new job, you rimjob the noobs and then make an intro thread for them cause they are to dumb to do it. got it?
as long as i get to shoot the chinamen and dont have to play as one. That would ruin it for me, just like having to play a terrorist in the newest one ruined it.
i go to the bank and pull out 20k in cash and get naked with it.....rub it on my junk, lay on it, smell it, the usual stuff you do with cash, then just put it back in the bank. I do this 2-3 times a week.
Its funny because Keith has as much credibility as Rush. He just chose for once not to say something dumb like Rush, most likely to put himself on a pedestal.
No brownie points Keith. Your still an asshat, just like everyone in the news.