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Everything posted by oh8sti

  1. seriously, i think everyone has that tattoo. I know i have it somewhere among my drunk tattoo ideas.
  2. its just deep enough for me to dip my rock hard koch into it and not touch the ground. So that means about 2-3 inches at the most.
  3. Andy you suck major kochs n bauls for the fail of the bewbieless womenz
  4. oh and i would deff nibble the corn outta her pewp
  5. there arent none bewbs! its all one big sham! tease me once, shame on you, shame me 2 times, imma go masturbate.
  6. what year are you? do you live on campus?
  7. i have an ipod minivideo that ill sell ya dover. Its thin and small. Like the size and shape of a saltine cracker. Text me if you want. Its black and 8g.
  8. oh8sti


    why are you a mod?
  9. Why can't you sell the camaro? Your problems will be solved.
  10. That is fucking tits.... Looking for trades?
  11. oh8sti

    Halftime show

    They played for 150 million people.... And made millions. Hardly foolish.
  12. whats it like being sore?
  13. so you say your a real cool guy huh? well all the "cool guys" on here follow the rules.
  14. So sad to hear. He was probly about the get dropped by the drop program soon. Anyone know his name or what station he was?
  15. I woulda sold you mine!! Everything I have is forsale.
  16. the only people that have problems with it not feeding right are the ones that use the factory feeder (junk) and have underdeveloped wrists. I use only wilson combat. I have put 400 rounds (HP, FML, ect.) through mine. Not a single jam/issue. Its a quality piece.
  17. id dress her like a good looking femalish man and indulge in seemingly gay sex....but not really. Only i would know its a vag not a brown smelly darkstar. also invest in a pocket pussy company...then profit.
  18. oh8sti

    Snow Storm

    ^^ Ollie Williams! EDIT: Shanton at age 35, after his body balloons up from all the shit he feeds his vitals.
  19. i have a Kimber Ultra Carry II with night sights and Crimson Trace grip. Its perfect. Tiny, but a straight cannon. It shoots like a dream too. Super accurate. If your interested, i can let you shoot it sometime. PM me if your interested. http://www.armeriagino.it/catalog/images/prodotto/190KI3200134.jpg Note: my grip is black, not dark green.
  20. i never got one of these in my car.....
  21. a fetus does the trick for me http://img.listal.com/image/465350/450full.jpg
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