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Everything posted by oh8sti

  1. im all down for helping a member, but what the hell is a "memeber"? in all seriousness that is an amazing story.
  2. I'd hit #7.… with a lead pipe
  3. I'll Let people that want to buy wrecked shit, buy wrecked shit. I'll pay a few hundred extra for piece of mind and a higher resale value when I sell.
  4. Steve, just build one. You can do it for a couple hundred cheaper than buying one built. It's probly one of the easiest guns to build.
  5. Don't post in newb threads.^^
  6. I remember when I had my first beer. I kid I kid! Have a good birthday man, I remember mine like it was yesterday..... Lol
  7. I was involved in everything that I knew how to do. Slomo did a great job, but that is not whats being discussed. If you want to talk about it, pm me. Subaru built the car...btw
  8. That's sad man, she was beautiful.
  9. I'd like to donate. Can I do that at the place on sawmill road?
  10. oh8sti

    snow is here bitchs

    Got nothing up north
  11. Lol I'm 21.... I don't have a record other than a few speeding tickets.
  12. I dropped off mine on Monday, but as far as I know I haven't got any calls about it
  13. I'm telling you this now, travel a little in order to get an unmolested car. You will be thanking yourself when it doesn't crap out on you every 1000 miles. I will never buy a car that has been touched. I don't trust anyone else's work but my own.
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