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Everything posted by oh8sti

  1. Next time anyone talks to me about this BLM bullshit I'm showing them this 5 min clip. Every second of it.
  2. Get a freakin GTR and call it a day. You know you'll end up with one anyway. You can get one in the low 50's high 40's.
  3. Not the black - and that's a fast and furious body kit
  4. oh8sti

    Part-Time Work

    look into Trader Joe's - hippies work there but the pay I hear is great
  5. I have a taco ill rent you for the summer if you want to try it out. 07 4x4 4 door short bed. Ill be on tour from May 20th - August 20th. email me if you want to entertain this idea - Save some serous coin. MGEtouring@gmail.com
  6. Gary Johnson it is! :lolguy: Trump was like 5th on the list with 81%
  7. Thats on the low end too. These are really meant for live shows. I wear mine while the band is on stage and my ears are plugged into a wireless body pack that allows me to hear everything thats coming through the speakers on stage. Its a pretty amazing experience if you've never had true In Ear Monitors. Tyler and Josh have several pairs of these ranging from $1,000 to $3,000 depending on the customization of what they need and how many drivers per ear they need. In this line of work, these are necessary, but in the everyday listening to your iPod, these might be overkill. I do however love working out in them. They never fall out and I only hear the music, literally nothing else around me.
  8. Please don't listen to this. I have Ultimate Ears UE5's and UE7's. They are not cheap, but if isolation is what your after, these will do the trick and do it well. The guys in my band use UE18's. Also check out Jerry Harvey's. They are essentially the same, just from a different company and different customer service.
  9. Ford is killing Subaru in this game. Its kinda sad. The STi was a car that kinda lit the fire in this category and they didn't have the balls to keep innovating and or listening to the people that actually buy these cars. If they had, I would have one in my garage right now.
  10. Why must you do this to me Chad....
  11. Pickups plus Lewis center does as well
  12. I literally LOL'd...all alone....in a small ass hotel room....in Osaka Japan. Fuck I want to be home right now.
  13. So, we have exposed the root of the issue. He watches/listens to every celeb/mainstream news media about the Trump hysteria and came here attempting to validate that fear. Instead, everyone with a fully functioning brain is looking around like "what the fuck is this guy thinking?" OP desperately wants everyone to worry about The Don, but no one does because honestly it's not going to change no matter what left news will tell you. Every republican on that debate stage said with their own "horse mouth" they would support The Don if he were the nominee.... Again, dude, refuckinglax. No one is this worked up about this. If you yell louder, it won't make it any more true. I promise.
  14. Just for the record - As an Indy I have not leaned one way or another. I won't do so until I see who wins the primary. At that point the debates become relevant IMO.
  15. It absolutely is 100% the same rhetoric. If you can't see that, I can not continue this conversation. Here's an answer to your original question --- in our lifetime we will never have to worry about our guns being taken away. As stated before, there would be a bloodbath of a war before that happened. Take that to the bank.
  16. I've heard they are very problematic with the electronics..
  17. I thought the same thing when Obama was elected. I was also an idiot and had no knowledge base other than what mainstream media was shoving down my throat. Its the same kind of rhetoric, its just coming from the other side of the aisle. It might be the best thing for this county to start getting away from how we've been doing politics. It hasn't been working. I dont think Trump is the answer, but by him winning it certainly opens the door wide open to forming other parties and breaking up the bush's, Clinton's, etc. The Dems and Reps hate that and are fighting the same person. The worlds changing my friends. We are going to get the President we deserve and I have a feeling it could be Trump.
  18. I mainly do mine for work so that 13 year old girls can follow me and get the "inside scoop" on the band. @mbradleyg
  19. Nope, I believe that's the same one I saw years ago in north Powell area. I was very curious too. I don't think I could mistake that car....the color is really pretty.
  20. We get it, you're rich. Love the copper ceiling. The wife and I are on the hunt for a house in the $400k range, so my craigslist strategy would tell me you'd take that right? Kidding, but seriously good luck with the sale. Its a stunning home. I really like it a lot.
  21. came here to post this Got lots of info when i bought my Taco a few weeks ago recently i replaced the front wheel bearings (tacomaworld tutorials) and then did a lift/level kit on it before I left the country for a few months. When I get back ill do the wheels and tires.
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