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Everything posted by oh8sti

  1. Tenn is trash.....so that was expected
  2. I disagree with this - The Dems figured out a way to make Mitt Romney out to be satan himself.
  3. I'm glad that Miss Universe winner was found to be a fraud. You can't lob those accusations around without knowing people will ask you to provide context and proof to the accusations. Also, can we all agree that when you win a contest and then sign a CONTRACT to be the face of Miss Universe for an agreed upon CONTRACTUAL period of time and you don't honor your CONTRACT, you can't be butt hurt when you make the choice to NOT honor your CONTRACT. This was a smear. I hate trump, but I hate lying more. Hilary is the queen of lies and continues to do so for her gain at the expense of the American people.
  4. Hillary wins and we have a negative generational landslide into the abyss that will be impossible to reverse. We also set a dangerous precedent that if you lie, cheat and are in the right family, you too can achieve great things...or at least get more rich. Trump wins and you have a stall in the social issues like what bathroom do I pee in. trump isn't acting like he isn't rich and powerful. He is. She requires a special podium for the debates so she doesn't see so insignificant on the same stage as him. Pretty interesting. All the fems are going to go nuts when they find out
  5. Actually no, it did not work for her. The line between sarcasm and reality was far too close. That is why you're seeing a majority of her supporters asking why she would put herself in this situation. Her demeanor was confusing at best. Its like she's never seen Between Two Ferns before. When Obama did it, THAT worked. I dont like him, but it worked because he was a participant and gave it back to the host. She just sat there, received and then reinforced all her issues!
  6. mowed 10+ achers a week with a 61" Scag Turf Tiger - Kohler air-cooled. Absolute tank. Beat the crap out of it for 10 years and sat outside a lot too. When I get a yard that big again, I will be going back to Scag. Best mower money can buy. Might seem old, but this mower will not let you down. http://columbus.craigslist.org/grq/5684109266.html
  7. I know! Im not sweating it man - if you still want them just paypal me and ill hold them for you. I have them on eBay now.
  8. Front angle gone Flaming pig gone Bump
  9. Added sight for sale
  10. Text me Wags - 614 582 7301
  11. Hey guys, I have some AR-15 parts for sale. All relevant mounting hardware, screws etc come with each item. Sightmark Ultra Shot reflex sight - mint condition - Multiple reticles and brightness levels Price: $45 http://i640.photobucket.com/albums/uu130/oh8ti/3F0987C3-431B-4267-9DFE-4DE7F411CCF4_zpsvrsvuhjk.jpg http://i640.photobucket.com/albums/uu130/oh8ti/168EBAD6-2480-4BD0-9104-6B228B99A42D_zpsootj5wtp.jpghttp://i640.photobucket.com/albums/uu130/oh8ti/A1CBBCA2-CD5E-4AA8-9965-F1938A5CFF00_zpszwvoz2wt.jpg http://i640.photobucket.com/albums/uu130/oh8ti/1E22FF23-1C8F-4B13-9523-53EBF422189A_zpsrasptiei.jpg Yankee Hill Machine Diamond Free Float quadrail 12.5in - great condition Price: $85 http://i640.photobucket.com/albums/uu130/oh8ti/80B9A537-1402-49E0-8947-A6C6128359DA_zps6drdagha.jpg http://i640.photobucket.com/albums/uu130/oh8ti/7B4F8BDE-A7C0-46F2-9E91-4F36F02E37E0_zpsluhwacbw.jpg Magpul Fixed CTR stock w/buffer tube, spring, weight. (Just stock pictured) Price: $40 http://i640.photobucket.com/albums/uu130/oh8ti/5C9E2C8F-00FE-4D9C-8340-76B5A11EC84C_zpsonbzmrgi.jpg
  12. Bump - Dover I'm assuming doesnt want these anymore
  13. Please elaborate - I would love to see a link or something.
  14. You raaaaaang!? Btw - no longer touring with them. MSG was my last night on the road. I'm working on a management project. A lot more money in that!
  15. oh8sti

    Election '16

    Drive west on highway 10 as you approach El Paso and look to your left.....tell me what you see. Desert? 3ft barbed wire fence? No, it's a giant 30ft steel fucking wall. Now, I imagine trump wants to add to the wall and that's what Mexico is going to pay for.
  16. oh8sti

    Election '16

    so we can all agree that voting for Hilary isn't an option. Glad we cleared that up.
  17. I don't think Michigan even makes the b1G champ....
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