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Everything posted by oh8sti

  1. Nada downtown has a private room - Not sure off the top of my head how many it seats though.
  2. waiting for bob to step in here side bar - I do not consider myself an influencer. Mainly because all my followers are 13 year old girls wanting to stay up to day on twenty one pilots. I do know how gain followers if I really wanted/needed that validation, but I think I'm on the other end of the sliding scale of my generation. I get enough gratification with the money I make and the huge dong I stuff in my joggers every morning.
  3. "So here's what happened: Someone pulled a fire alarm to get all the kids out onto the street, someone runs their car into the kids, then someone starts swinging a knife or machete or something and a cop goes down. Then there were shots fired and someone got shot, but not sure how many. 8 sent to the hospital so far" Yeah this was ISIS bullshit again. Cant wait to see what Trump says :lolguy:
  4. thats why its The Game of college football. I honestly have a hard time saying OSU the 2nd best team in the country, but damn that was an amazing game. I think because of the way this system is set up, you can leave a team with OSU's record out regardless of what Penn State does.
  5. this is embarrassing. Maybe we need a loss to shake things up and get a OC in that can make fucking calls
  6. The market is softening - considering the miles are getting higher and higher on most of them. Still a solid buy for anyone under 25k
  7. if we keep running the ball this way we will lose 6 to 0
  8. houston is about to knock louisville out of the conversation
  9. Its deplorable to be exploiting this kids disabilities for political gain.
  10. Whats sad is the kid doing the tackling is a registered Dem and also mentally handicapped (reported as Aspergers from friends). Media is running wild with this story like it has any legitimacy. Its unreal. The kid has something wrong with him. Lets stay focused on the real beatings and hate crimes like below
  11. Alabama was very close to finding itself in this same situation.... I bet you'd be singing a different tune if bama was clearly one of the top 4 teams in the country. You can't tell me B1G isn't the strongest conference when we have so many good teams. PSU just isn't one of them. We do NOT want them representing our conference on the national level. They would get crushed.
  12. they can't keep leaving one of the 2 best teams in college football out of it.
  13. I would say a more likely scenario is having 2 B1G teams in the playoff. Its the strongest conference by far this year and I thinks its the only way to be fair based on current scheduling.
  14. it would be a disaster for the B1G to send penn state. They would embarrass the conference.
  15. I don't see how we could be left of we win out with style points. There would be so many reason why we would get the nod id have to imagine.
  16. someone explain to me how OSU can get into the CFP if Penn wins the B1G East? Lets say Penn wins out and OSU wins out
  17. Wow Pitt - finally someone gave them an L - they were so close to losing just about every game this season.
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6MDq9y8xoc&oref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DV6MDq9y8xoc&has_verified=1
  19. why is the media reporting false stories about muslims having there hijab pulled off and told to "go home" (2 separate stories turned out false). But they won't touch the stories of all the white or latinos that are being assaulted for expressing support for trump? Ive seen 3 stories of BRUTAL race fueled attacks on whites/latinos since Tuesday. Not ONE has been on mainstream media.
  20. No and I will say it again - Its irresponsible for any journalist to publish that nonsense. Its more likely that you win the mega jackpot on dec 19th.
  21. I did not write it - I will find the article and repost the entire thing
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