We all know what we get with Hilary......More of the same old shit that old family money and politics gives you. Incest isn't good with human genetics and its not good for politics either. The clintons represent everything thats wrong with politics today. They are treated differently because of who they are. Its fact. Dont argue that with me.
With the other option being Trump, I will take him purely because the establishment is terrified of him. He represents a changing of the way we will forever view politics. It ruins their game and it will force a 3rd party to become an option in the next 4 years. The Dems killed, and i mean absolutely obliterated the Bernie movement, forcing him to roll over and play to their fiddle and somehow think people will just vote for Hilary. The Bernie Bro's are livid...The walkout of 1,000+ delegates at the DNC was proof of that. Funny how media wont talk about it...