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Everything posted by oh8sti

  1. oh8sti

    Election '16

    We arent talking about a "theory". Its not a complete house fire like the right want it to be, but its also factual and should be VERY worrisome for anyone casting a vote this fall.
  2. oh8sti

    Election '16

    His win certainly opens up the conversation much more than it has in the past....
  3. oh8sti

    Election '16

    We all know what we get with Hilary......More of the same old shit that old family money and politics gives you. Incest isn't good with human genetics and its not good for politics either. The clintons represent everything thats wrong with politics today. They are treated differently because of who they are. Its fact. Dont argue that with me. With the other option being Trump, I will take him purely because the establishment is terrified of him. He represents a changing of the way we will forever view politics. It ruins their game and it will force a 3rd party to become an option in the next 4 years. The Dems killed, and i mean absolutely obliterated the Bernie movement, forcing him to roll over and play to their fiddle and somehow think people will just vote for Hilary. The Bernie Bro's are livid...The walkout of 1,000+ delegates at the DNC was proof of that. Funny how media wont talk about it...
  4. Ill just leave this here and allow you to weep. http://www.landgrantholyland.com/2016/8/2/12357840/all-time-ap-college-football-top-25
  5. Should have reached out - I would have introduced myself. Some other guys from CR were there too
  6. I have the Dogtra 1900s and it's great. It came highly recommended, cost about $250.
  7. Have not seen it before. Looks like it's been messed around with a lot though... I'm always looking at 6spd G's - but I'd pass on this one unless you want to gut it and TT it
  8. oh8sti


    We are switching my business to SunTrust from Chase. Seems like its easier to get the huge lines of credit we need. For personal though, Chase is great for me and dont intend on switching.
  9. it lasted a whole 4 minutes and the 4 people that were yelling were ignored lol. Not exactly chaos....
  10. I wouldn't be totally surprised to wake up to the city on fire. Its a powder keg.
  11. In Dallas tonight with the band - Shit is getting real.
  12. Im only leasing cars (certain ones) or buying a car thats 5 years or older in cash.
  13. Honestly - this number doesn't surprise me. With that said, the demographic he plays to doesn't help his cause at all. For comparison - twenty one pilots (13-18 year old 60/40% female/male) gets about 10 medical runs a night ranging from intoxication to dehydration and seizers. We also do about 10,000-16,000 per night. Kenny is playing to 16,000+ each night.
  14. This makes sense if your the major earner for a company and the company comes to you and says "hey, now you are responsible for all this other crap, also loads and loads of immigrants that are going to change the fabric of your country to resemble thier own war torn country that they are leaving......and we will pay you less. That's cool right?!" No, not cool - I will leave and make a company of my own and you can suck it. Good for the UK, they will be happy when the dust settles an they control thier own destiny.
  15. Not gay - was Isis - suck it libs http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-orlando-gay-fbi-20160623-snap-story.html
  16. And has been for almost every show in the last 5 years! Speaking of which - we are coming to FL in the next few weeks. You comin out to hang or what?
  17. Done - I will save them for you. I will be out west most of the time, but I can find a way to ship them or something if we cant meet up. Better yet - Ill put you on the guest list and you can come get them yourself at a show!
  18. Yep - any carrier. Bought it on ATT - but use it on T mobile now for going international with the band.
  19. I would list this in good condition - operates as it should and has only one scratch on it the screen, its pictured. Perfect for getting a phone for a backup or for the kids. CR Price - $125 Michael - 614 582 7301 http://i640.photobucket.com/albums/uu130/oh8ti/395F9764-1D9B-40E7-87AE-9CDDABC00544_zpsqncpexma.jpg http://i640.photobucket.com/albums/uu130/oh8ti/E7D9F0FD-47AC-48A9-BAE3-9B357A4ED98E_zps0dmaguj5.jpg http://i640.photobucket.com/albums/uu130/oh8ti/E16C8FCE-B66C-4697-A916-DB5EFC5F6E77_zpsqdtixqy5.jpg
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