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Everything posted by oh8sti

  1. heres a retarded versions of docs century http://i640.photobucket.com/albums/uu130/oh8ti/1bc4c127.jpg?t=1343446795 heres the real one, with the retard in the picture http://i640.photobucket.com/albums/uu130/oh8ti/b73f4069.jpg?t=1343446799
  2. isn't crown a hillbilly place?
  3. the NCAA should get the death penalty. Im not a penn state fan or a child molester, but shit, the damage has been done. Penn state will sink into obscurity on their own from this. The NCAA just want to stick its fucking nose in it.
  4. Why wouldn't you just ride a quad? Lol
  5. No. This is baiting. The police should arrest these pests. Im all for standing up for your rights, but these people take it too far. Just as easily, that cop could claim he was interested in purchasing the airsoft guns. Im versed in guns and if i was driving by and saw 5 AK/AR style guns hanging from these cockroaches garage door, id be a little worried too. I would bet you all the money to my name that you wouldn't be able to tell the diff between a real AR and a high quality airsoft AR until you held it. Cliffs - Your wrong, not matter what comes out of your mouth or gets typed on this board, your wrong. Thank you, have a good day.
  6. so which has happened first, the "stig" actually being drivable, or JuicedH22 taking over the world?
  7. oh8sti

    1994 Supra

    holy tits that looks sweet
  8. they tryin to bite the copper off?
  9. I've dealt with TJ? before and he has never been bad to deal with. Actually, he has been the opposite. I hope he's okay, maybe something happend to him?
  10. lol sorry, i was on my phone and for some reason it was stuck on caps. Im not that worked up. At any rate, just because they "thought" it was the right address doesn't make them NOT liable for killing this man. They were wrong not matter what. They need to know that. Its the reason we pay them, to be right, not to "think that maybe" the suspect lived there. It was sloppy police work. end of story.
  12. you can't have the benefit of surprise when your not 100% sure the suspect is even in the fucking house....
  13. The cops are wrong. Let me tell you why. They did not do their job to insure they were at the right address. They should have VERIFIED the suspect was in the address. If they weren't sure, don't get knocking on doors at 1:30am. This is ALL the LEO faults. That man had NO obligation to announce he was armed behind the door. This is complete bullshit. I hope the family and media get ahold of this story. Maybe then we can forget about this whole trayvon case so Zimmerman can get acquitted.
  14. I'd rather you just admit you didnt know the difference between a compensator and suppressor.
  15. Wow, if I were in the market for a super/Hypercar id be on this thing like a fly on shit.
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