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Everything posted by oh8sti

  1. because she is a very very average girl. I will never see the fanboy attraction to her. I see girls all day that are more attractive.
  2. i don't think you understand what he is saying.
  3. i bet it was some dumb rapper lol
  4. sheds some light on the injuries Zimmerman suffered in the beating. "A medical report compiled by the family physician of accused Trayvon Martin murderer George Zimmerman and obtained exclusively by ABC News found that Zimmerman was diagnosed with a "closed fracture" of his nose, a pair of black eyes, two lacerations to the back of his head and a minor back injury the day after he fatally shot Martin during an alleged altercation." http://abcnews.go.com/ad/introAd3.html?goback=http%3A%2F%2Fabcnews.go.com%2FUS%2Fgeorge-zimmerman-medical-report-sheds-light-injuries-trayvon%2Fstory%3Fid%3D16353532
  5. I'm surprised they dropped so quick! Must not be selling as well as they thought.
  6. are you talking about your civic being worth $7,500?
  7. nice color combo on the 135 :gabe:
  8. its the retard version. on a side note, DONT FUCKING DO IT. lol your gonna be stuck with yet another thing to sell. Your civic would be much easier to sell than a poopdick bike.
  9. its still a turd, i wouldn't trade for it. No one wants those bikes other than girls and high school kids that want to tell their friends they bought an R6. I would not value that bike at $5,500 thats all I'm saying. Its a wrecked bike no matter what way you cut it. That cuts the value down significantly.
  10. that bike wrecked is worth about 3k. Its not an R6 no matter how bad he wants to convince himself that it is. Those bikes are absolute junk. Its a few years newer than what Paul rides if that gives you any indication of how much its worth.
  11. i did 8 coats. I wanted it to stick.
  12. make, model, and year would be nice.
  13. had to pulled from the end of my finger when i was 14. It felt very weird, not really painful, but just kinda made me queasy. They come out easy, my doc used pliers, so i was all like WFT bro at first.
  14. Who can hook me up? Got cash, need a trailer in the next 2-3 weeks. Ill be back in town next wednesday. Needs to be dual axel, covered, 7x12, must have brakes, rear lift gate, side door, interior lights. Let me know if anyone can help with a NEW one, i don't wanna buy used. EXAMPLE http://www.trailershopper.com/files/34395.jpg http://www.trailershopper.com/files/34395_2.jpg
  15. oh8sti


    nothing he had was a sleeper. He was just slow racing slow cars. He doesn't know what a sleeper is. God this makes him look so dumb.
  16. Another Gibson jersey ehhhhh? Nice lol
  17. ill bet every penny in my bank account that its fake. Lets be real bro, I'm sure its a nicely done fake, but if you cant spell the maker right, you really have no seat at the table.
  18. every address is not available
  19. Just a little FYI they typically fetch sub $240. I've sold and bought about 5 myself. Great fcking shotguns.
  20. I don't want that kid on my team. He and his dad are giant pussies and don't deserve an offer. What a fucking joke.
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