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Everything posted by tyler524

  1. Anyone know if there would be any issues with the bar if my gf and her friend who are both 20 came? I know a lot of bars either kick ya out at a certain time or won't let under 21 in
  2. At 21 I only pay $14 a month but only have liability on an 04 600rr. I do have a clean record plus I think owning a house helps
  3. Just wait until you get a random insurance check from the dmvin the mail. No proof of insurance will get you an automatic license suspension, lots of fines, fees. And will probably be required to carry an Sr-22 which will only make it more expensive. Not having insurance is fucking retarded period.
  4. I am pretty sure these are illegal and carry over a 10k fine plus prison time. Think it is a felony for disrupting public communication
  5. I just got home doing about 80 miles. On and off rain the whole time and temp started to drop as I was getting home but was still a nice way to end the year
  6. I hope to take it out and then to the car wash down the road
  7. 14 hours was one day though that 36 could be split into 3 days
  8. I'm not trying to be an ass but I don't think that I've ever seen another group of people that get soo pissy or defensive soo quick. I mean I have no issue with true riders who like their Harleys but its just not my style.
  9. Why do Harley guys get butt hurt soo easily?
  10. I only wish I had the time or somones to do a cross country ride with. I think it would be an amazing unforgettable experience to do it. I am hoping to go on some longer rides next year but last year we did a ride to west Virginia and back in a day. It ended up being a good 14hr day on my 600rr and comfort was not an issue at all and that trip was done in the pouring rain.
  11. Some sort of reckless homicide or involuntary manslaughter
  12. Some chicks have rape fantasies. I know a few chicks that would get off on something like that
  13. Loud pipes bring out all the bar skanks
  14. He should have checked the gun but the thing that caught my attention the most from this story is the fact that he is 23 and she was 50. http://www.cnn.com/2010/CRIME/12/28/oklahoma.sex.death/index.html?hpt=T2
  15. Dark.... or a colorful past?
  16. I got the last one we've seen and that was only a couple days after it was released. I will keep an eye out
  17. Got a Chatterbox today at my dads
  18. Already did a test fit. I like them, they look nice and have a lot of space and compartments.
  19. tyler524


    From the album: The Bike

  20. tyler524


    From the album: The Bike

  21. tyler524


    From the album: The Bike

  22. I thought it would be cool to see what some others have received for Christmas. I had my mine with my GF and then at my mom's house this morning. So far I got the new 250gb xbox, a deep freezer, motocentric tank bag, and a matching motocentric tail bag.
  23. The new xbox 360 doesn't have the rrod issue but I have had my 360 for close to 4 years without a rrod
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