We just finished installing a tankless on sunday and so far we absolutely love it! Takes alittle getting used to it. But if you can swing it I would definately recommend a tankless. Sizing is definately key too.
I should be off that saturday I will talk to my group that usually rides together to get them on board! Sounds like it will be a great time and it ends about 5 minutes from my house so that will be great! Just keep us informed.
We will be there wed. night sometime after 7 I would guess. You are more than welcome to hang out with us for a bit. We just get kinda tired of the whole QSL thing.
I tried to pull up the website and it not there anymore. I'm going to try and give them a call later on today. We planned on riding up there wed. night.
The woman and I are heading out from Pataskala. I'm sure she could roll with my buddies if ur around Hilliard/Dublin area. Thats where they are rolling from.
I rode to work today, left Pataskala around 6:45am. Was'nt too bad out. Rode to work in Hilliard. Just rode to lunch with a buddy mine. It is absolutely beautiful out!.....for December atleast......lol
I talked to one of the GM's when we were in there about them doing a bike night. They are'nt sure if they are going to do one yet or not. Depends mainly on the buisness's that are in the same lot as them. I guess they are already pissed at them because the Kilt customers are taking up most of the parking lot! lol
We really are not a "club" but there is a group of about 6 or so of us that roll from Hilliard usually atleast 3 days a week weather permitting. All sport bikes except one, sometimes 2 if I roll the vulcan out. Just get ahold of me.