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Everything posted by gearman

  1. Would it be possible to waive the 50 post requirement for posting to the for sale forum? A close friend passed away suddenly a few weeks back and I'm trying to sell his bikes as his wife could use the extra funds.



  2. I live about 2~3 miles from Harding's. I've never bought a bike from them and I've heard good tales and bad tales...but mostly good. From my experience Steve Kaser and Tom McClellan are the most knowledgeable of the sales staff.
  3. At that curb weight 10~15 more hp would be a welcome improvement. Other than a being a little underpowered it seems like a nice ride.
  4. It seems a little callous and politically motivated, but in politics there's usually more to the picture than meets the eye. At least I hope so. I'm getting a little discouraged with ALL of these idiots.
  5. No. I'm not opposed to casinos or legalized gambling, I just think the amendment, as written, is a narrowly focused stemwinder. IMO it's the wrong way to go about it...another mediocre proposal thrust at the voter with the hope that fear will prevail over common sense.
  6. The SV loaded for a Mid Ohio weekend.
  7. I wish I could say a front stand but I would've had to bungie it to the wife so that was a no go. A pair of gauntlet gloves for me and a gaggle of overpriced casual wear for the daughters in law and grandson...not that I'm implying they're not worthy.
  8. We rolled in at around 12:30. Way cooler than the last meet. JRMMiii, I assume that was your copper SV1K? We didn't stick around too long because we decided to visit IP. The good news is my butt wasn't hurting too bad when we got home, probably because my wallet was somewhat thinner.
  9. Whew!...for a moment I thought you were serious. The Warrior is already a sweet ride! BTW, I could swear you rode by my house a few days back. I live off of Easton near the Nimishillen twp line.
  10. Welcome fellow SV haver. I believe we met earlier this year on wacky's Atwood ride.
  11. If you like stats, here's a bunch more: http://www.iihs.org/research/fatality_facts_2008/motorcycles.html
  12. I use a 3' bicycle cable lock. I regularly secure 2 helmets and jackets with it. About $6 at wallyworld.
  13. Nope. I'm a few years older than him.
  14. Actually the wagons were pretty good cars...much better than the runabouts. I owned 2 of them and had good luck with both.
  15. I own a small business and I can tell you that healthcare is a significant expense. It is not uncommon for medical insurance premiums to increase 2~3 times the rate of inflation annually. As a result of the constant increase, more and more working Americans are uninsured or underinsured. If the petroleum industry subjected us to such increases, the "Uncle Sam, sit your ass in the corner and STFU" crowd would be screaming for the government to stop the rape. Healthcare costs broke the back of the domestic auto industry and will eventually do the same to all US business.
  16. The interest on $11 trillion is probably pretty close to our annual defense budget.
  17. The fact is, GW did the equivalent to all of the afformentioned. Obama would have to be in office 50 years to say all the nonsensical crap that spewed from GW's pie hole. Let's concentrate on something important...like what Michelle is wearing.
  18. I ride that area frequently. Best to avoid 172 east of Lisbon...lots of OSP. I usually take 644 from Salineville to Kensington. 171 from 9 to Waynesburg keeps you out of Carrollton. 44 from Waynesburg to East Canton is also pretty interesting.
  19. '06 Suzuki SV650S...my first "new" bike. '05 Yamaha FJR1300
  20. Great meet in spite of the heat. Wait a minute...I'm a poet and didn't know it!
  21. Sorry for your loss and condolences to the family.
  22. Yep, we made it. Hotter than Hades it was!
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