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Posts posted by scottb

  1. After watching some of the Ken Burns series on the National Parks, I got an idea to tour some of the waterfalls and the Metro park in Cuyahoga Valley. Looks like I'll plan a route for next summer since we are running out of free weekends before November. I will include part of Chagrin River Road and Squires Castle....Any interest?

  2. I was planning on running a Fiero this year, but my hours were reduced at the beginning of the year. We figured it would be $1,000 a per person with a 4 man team. That includes buying a car, the entry fee, getting it ready and firesuits and spare parts. If I did not go on the covered bridge tour Saturday, I would have gone to Nelson's to watch the race.

  3. I just looked at the slideshow Emily took. Nice composition at Haperserfield bridge. I did not notice the ducks in the water.

    It is amazing how fast 225 miles clicks off when you are riding.....I am just glad I did this trip on the 850 and not on the Katana....I think my back and my wrist would be hurting

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