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Everything posted by scottb

  1. Zac Band seemed to always get hosed at award shows.
  2. The wife likes Brad Paisley. This year he toured with the Band Perry. We went to 3 concerts on his tour, Blossom, Darin Lake and Columbus. Then we went to see Garth Brooks in Nashville 2 years ago when he did the flood relief concerts. Garth's tickets were only $25, seen him twice that week.
  3. I did kinda laugh a lil at the Reddi-Whip comercial with the tag line of " Reddi-Whip, the sound of joy" ..... just sayin'
  4. I kinda though Miranda would win everything tonight.
  5. We lost power for almost 24 hours. It seems that it is just our street and street behind us that lose power. There is one apartment building and maybe 25 houses. I have a generator and a detached garage. I do not have the generator wired into the house through and quick panel yet. Currently, I fire up the generator in the detached garage and then plug the fridge into my extention cord from the camper we used to have. The only provision for heat I have is either a small space heater or a larger radiant heater. So, if i am home I can manually plug in whatever device, heat or refridge. The generator is gas powered, 4000 watt. I may look for a whole house unit or at least a generator that can run on gas, propane or natural gas. If power goes out in the winter and it would several days to weeks, how long before the concern about the water pipes freezing?
  6. My thoughts,since the riding season is just about over, you can push the drawing back till whatever date works for you.
  7. scottb

    walking dead

    Cool that he is back, and I like the new right arm "attachment".
  8. I will try to high light the main details, here is the source of the article: I think the main issue is how can you held liable for the actions of the people that purchase your product? And the underlining issue is if the gun that was used in the shooting was a straw purchase. There are a whole lot of details in this article. Be prepared for a giant wall of text. http://www.cleveland.com/metro/index.ssf/2012/10/ohio_maker_of_hi-point_firearm.html Summary is a gunshot victim is suing manufacture and the sole distributor of Hi-point pistols because they are inexpensive and the distributor should have known that criminals would be able to obtain these firearms. A person in New York purchased 181 firearms ( appearantly without a dealer license) and the gun used to shoot the victim was traced to this purchase. It is a long article and I did not want to copy and paste the entire article. From the article, main points in quotes = "An Ohio gun maker and a distributor are targets of what could be a landmark legal case after a New York appeals court this month decided a gunshot victim could sue both for providing criminals with the pistol that wounded him. " "whether the gun maker and distributor produced and sold cheap guns that they knew would be popular on the criminal market and ignoredsigns of illegal activity when dealing their wares. " "Hi-Points have remained for years among the most common guns confiscated by Cleveland police and also comprised the majority of illegally purchased guns in cases federally prosecuted in Northern Ohio." " "The Ohio-based companiesargue that Hi-Points are simply affordable firearms, and that MKS Supply owner Charles Brown was conned into selling a gun traffickerand his accomplices hundreds of guns that ended up on the streets of Buffalo. " "Hi-Points have remained for years among the most common guns confiscated by Cleveland police and also comprised the majority of illegally purchased guns in cases federally prosecuted in Northern Ohio. " "Police quickly and traced the gun used in the shootingto a sale at an Ohio gun show more than two years earlier. It was one of 87 guns purchased by an Ohio woman, Kimberly Upshaw. She along with James Nigel Bostic and two other women bought as many as 181 Hi-Points from Brown. His company, MKS Supply, is the sole distributor of the brand. Bostic told Brown he was planning on opening his own gun shop, according to court filings, though he lacked a federal license to do so and was not likely to obtain one because of past convictions for misdemeanors. " " The lawsuit accuses Brown of using his personal federal firearms license to sell large numbers of guns to Bostic's companions, even though Bostic himself picked out the guns and paid for them -- a deal known as a straw purchase. " "At least 141 of the Hi-PointsthatBostic and two other women bought were later fenced on the streets of Buffalo. A number of them eventually were used in crimes, including the Williams shooting" "The lawsuit against Beemiller and MKS Supply states that both companies should have known that the guns sold to Bostic would end up in the hands of criminals. Bostic and the women had purchased multiple guns on prior occasions, paid for them in cash and selected Hi-Point 9 mm handguns, which are "disproportionately used in crime" and have "no collector value or interest." All are red flags to a seasoned gun dealer, the suit asserts. " Regarding Hi-points in general, per the article: "The guns also have been connected to high-profile shootings both nationally and locally. Eric Harris used one of the maker's 10-round magazine carbines in the 1999 Columbine school shooting. A straw purchased Hi-Point was used the previous year in the slaying of Cleveland vice Detective Robert Clark. Several Hi-Point models have been banned in Chicago and the state of Massachusetts by consumer protection laws. According to the lawsuit, the ATF had notified Beemiller and MKS Supply that 13,000 Hi-Points had been used in crimes between 1988 and 2000. " "There is nothing that says people only have the right to buy a $1,000 gun vs. a $300 gun," he said. "And many people don't have that choice if they want a gun to protect their family. Hi-Point is an affordable firearm. And there is absolutely a very large, legal market for an affordable, reliable, accurate firearm in America." Tom Deeb is the owner of Hi-point. "Among the guns' features are unique rifling in their barrels and extra finishing processes on breech faces that create unique and identifiable striations on spent bullets and shells. Also the guns feature hidden serial numbers that cannot be obliterated by criminals -- making for an easier trace, the nomination form states. The Association of Firearm and Tool Mark Examiners also endorsed Deeb for the award. Deeb sent a reporter a decade's worth of other commendations and letters of thanks from law enforcement officials and forensic lab technicians in Alabama, Arizona, Illinois, Michigan and West Virginia. "I'm the most decorated gun manufacturer in the world," Deeb said. "[The lawsuit] is pointing fingers at probably the best guy there is in this business." Deeb said that because his guns are popular among criminals, he felt that helping identify them more easily was the right thing to do. "
  9. Somehow, i was able to stop at only one tattoo. I did have 2 bikes for awhile.
  10. ^^ The Sub 2000 does have a novelity factor. At least the Hi-point does look more rifle like. As for portable long guns, the new Ruger 10/22 Takedown is on my list too. Dang, do I have a long list going.
  11. Like most Kel-tec products, hard to find a Sub2000. A friend has one, got to shoot it at an indoor range. SUb2000 in 9mm. I do not recal what mags it used. The 10 rounds I got fire it, it functioned very well. I have this on my list of guns to buy if I can find one.
  12. WE call the brass burns a Brass Hickey
  13. Bought a Beretta Neos at Gander Mountain. I will take it to Stonewall Sunday after I clean it.
  14. Maybe a statue of Ronald McDonald would count at a clown? But then, it would also just be a pic of a bike in front of Ronald McDonald statue. Not sure if the fast food places near by have a statue, and if they do, are they outside?
  15. No issues with moving the date back. I hope you sell all 200 for your brother. ( If I win and it is late November poor crappy non riding weather, can you deliver the bike to me?)
  16. Fortunately, it was not mine, but just got the chance to fire it. I also fired an HK 2000. Nice heavy feeling pistol, but the trigger pull travel was extemely long. The Bushmaster Carbon 15 was great too. I think I will be buying a Beretta Neos. That was sweet shooting that one. My Buckmark currently has about 6,000 rounds through it and want to give it a break. It is good to have friends that share at the range.
  17. I lived in the "good part" of Maple Hts for a short time, near the metro park off Dunham road. Early 90's it wasn't too bad. I won't go to the Warner Road/ Garfield BLVD side of Garfield. Now, I am on the "good" side of Bedford, closer to Northfield. Bedford isn't too bad, yet. I don't think the homeowner in the news story will be charged, but the homeowner my need to explain a bit more on the victem "lunged" at him. This action might make me be "in fear for my life". I don't think that the homeowner being near the window of a previous break in will result in any issues either.
  18. Diamondback DB9 is microscopically too small for my hands.
  19. scottb

    walking dead

    ***Spoiler alert** don't read if your not up to speed... **** **** I was kinda hoping that when Hershel "came to" at the end of the show, after Lori performed CPR, that she would get bit and turned into a walker. Not a fan of Lori. And I would like to see crossbow guy become the leader of the group.
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