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Everything posted by 20thGix

  1. And you can hear me miss 2nd and hit the rev limter like a boss.
  2. Here is another. This is Anden and I. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pY896Sxyi_A
  3. Here is Anden and QuikAccord making a run. Crappy phone vid. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRDjcUBh6Mc&feature=plcp
  4. Had alot of fun racing and hanging out with everyone!! Out of 10 runs my best was 11.626 @123.42mph. I will have to say not to shabby for never being on a track before. Will definatley have to do it again sometime!
  5. I'm getting ready to leave in about 10 minutes.
  6. Give it a try anyway. Last week there was a guy running pretty quick on a Sportster in jeans. Dont remember his time or mph. I do recall being surprised at his run. Anden may remember. **If you cant tell im trying to not be the only one out there looking like noobsauce**
  7. I won't be a able to leave till after the wife gets home at 5. So I should be there about 6.
  8. We should all ride down together.
  9. Springfield XD9SC in a Comp Tac Minotaur. Wouldnt mind picking up some type of single stack 9mm in the future.
  10. So how many are planning to go down and/or run this week? I think its 3 signing up to run so far. QuikAccord, Anden and myself.
  11. He only had one of the type i bought. Which is the wrong one at that. The other was for an Arttic Cat snow machine and some regular on/off toggle kill switches. He told me he was going to order 3 more. I may call him back today and let him know that switch does not work for a closed system. So i think a trip to Dayton seems to be your best bet. Or call that place Helmutt is talking about on Woodman which is probaly closer.
  12. Well i got the new switch soldered up it and was time to find someplace to mount it. I couldnt get it on my throttle side clip on because the throttle housing pins into the clip-on. Not to mention my bar end wouldnt move out far enough and still be able to hold without possibly falling out. So now i didnt want to use the other side and have one grip offset a half inch. Finally i decided on using the clutch bolt. Now came the part i didnt want to do.......hack into my wiring harness. When i cut the wire to my kill switch it felt like i was defusing a bomb. Finally said screw and "snip"! Everything worked out and got it mounted and wired. I paid $25 for the wrong switch and $4 at Radio Shack to fix it. And this is what i come up with.. Im sure the MPS' are better quality but couldnt get one by this weekend. Im sure this will work for screwing around on test-n-tune night.
  13. Well i found one at Tike's in Covington. It looked exactly like the bar mount type at Spiegler's. After he explained to me it was a normally open type switch i came home, hooked a meter to find out its the wrong one. So off to Radio Shack i went and bought a pack of the right switches. Im going to try and get it wired up tonight. QuickAccord.....PM Anden and maybe you guys can hook-up with a plan to grab the 2 at Spiegler. And if they are the wrong type (Normally Closed), dont worry i have 3 extra switches that should fit in the housing.
  14. May have found them alot closer than Dayton. The guys going to call me back when he finds out how much they cost.
  15. None in stock at Competition. Depending on what time my wife gets off work tomorow i may be able to head down there with you in the evening. If not would you be able to grab me one?
  16. I called and they said they dont have any of the bar mount switches in stock. But they do have 2 of these in stock. http://spieglerusa.com/emergency-switch-3539.htm?SID=89fa47c2d6b0a4f9ecd0e410b14fd674 Dont quite know how they mount. I would assume you would have to come up with some type of bracket. I'm going to try and call Comp. Acc. and see what they have.
  17. You can get them here. Im hoping to be able to get down there sometime afterwork this week. They close at 6pm. http://www.spieglerusa.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=KILL+SWITCH If your making a trip down before i can make it would you pick me up one if i gave you some cash? I think Anden wants one also. Or if anyone of us three has time to get there before friday they could pick them up? I will call them today to make sure they have them in stock.
  18. If i can get to Speigler in Dayton to pick up a kill switch i will be there Friday most likely making a fool of myself. But doing it with a smile!
  19. Had one hit me in the chest on the bike. Looked down and it was on my leg still alive. I freaked like a little girl.
  20. Got one......didnt wear it:). 2fat....I though i saw your bike behind us when i was up in the stands.
  21. Try Dougs auto trim over by splish splash. I'm not sure its still there or not but they re do car upholstery. my wifes uncle had some ratty boat seats re done and they came out great.
  22. How much for a set of OEM "dog bones" for an 05 GSXR?
  23. I've been thinking about it. What time does everyone usually show up?
  24. [quote=idodishez;888361 As far as not breaking any laws by squatting... It actually IS illegal in certain parts. Just not enforced unfortunately. Nobama 2012 Highway patrol pulled me over once for squatting in the hammer lane on I-75. Just so happens i was skipping school so when he got behind me i set the cruise at 65mph. About two miles later the lights came on. After the usual questions he asked if i knew why he had pulled me over. He told me there was a line of traffic behind us and that none of them were going to dare pass him on the right. So basically he told me to GTFO of the left lane unless i was passing. I didnt get a ticket or know if it is even a traffic offense but i was definately holding up the flow of traffic. Ever since i hold fast to the left lane is for passing only.
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