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Everything posted by Giantxtc

  1. Paying attention is key and when you ride up one anothers ass you can't react in time to prevent this kind of mayhem. Hope all are ok but it sounds to me like it is there fault as much as anyones.
  2. Giantxtc

    oh snaps!

    NIce, good deals are always a plus.
  3. Definately a great meal. Thanks Moose.
  4. Words to live by and I am sure we have all had many of thse things happen to us more then once.
  5. Giantxtc

    I like women..

    LOL, asking for a whole lotta flack on this one.
  6. Giantxtc


    I am sorry to hear that. Sadness, God Bless the familys
  7. Hell yes, every bike i ever owned and this one is number 13. Mostly miss the dirt bikes but every bike gave me pure relief from day to day stress. Oh, it does not get easier either.
  8. Glad you are alive and yes i will pray for some day medical science to repair such injurys. Stay strong.
  9. Looks like the Healer is good for the 1000rr so i will take it if it is still up for dibs. I will send you a PM.
  10. What is the manufacturer? I looked at one site and it looks like the quick connect cord might be different.
  11. I will agree that Brian definately knows his stuff. Made me CBR1K out run a raped ape.
  12. I will take the speedo healer if it will work on an 06 1000rr?
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