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Posts posted by XChris1632X

  1. Put me down for one either way.. though when I researched it. It was listed everywhere at 99.99 not the 119.99 pm their site. Still $40 bucks off I'll try one

    Yeah, typical MSRP type stuff. That just went into effect 2017. I got you down.


    I will....I just have to decide if I'm getting one for me or a couple for the kids and some for all of us. So basically I need to check with my wife haha



    are those cheaper combos decent? Like the pink lady fishoflage one? Like to get that for my daughter. She has a set up but who doesn't need 2?

    The pink ones sold great at the expo. They seem okay. I have never fished with one. I don't think for the price they can be anything bad but they aren't going to blow your mind either.

    99% of my fishing is with ultra-light spinning reels and rods with 4lb test line.


    That being said, which spinning reel(s) do you recommend for that kind of fishing?


    The CFORCE is definitely a really nice reel. They were my choice for the year. I did buy a bolt and a Finesse as well though. Both are nice. I have a buddy that prefers the Finesse over all. My choice in ultra light setup would be a 1000 size reel. I lean on the CForce because of how much lighter it is too. You just have to make sure you don't need anymore line capacity than that. I use the 2000 series for bass fishing on a regular basis. It is my drop shot and Shakey Head reel. The bolt is a little higher speed so that is something to think about as well. It is a 6:1 reel.

  2. i wanted a cforce 2000 they showed it available the other day on the site but not now. maybe you can inquire with them? or maybe it will be available before 4-15.


    It's available to me ;)

    A lot can change between now and then and it may not be available to me then but it is usually very temporary and nothing that a phone call can't take care of. Worse case, I'll sell you one of mine brand new in box and wait for them to replenish it. I'll be at alum Saturday if you want to give it a whirl.


    C-Force 2000 $60.00

  3. I'm good for Paypal +3%. Just me us know the paypal info, Chris. I'm thinking we should put our name, phone number, CR screen name, and items in the note section to help you sort the orders and get in touch with people once it the order is in. With such a large order, that's a lot of gear to organize. And, with putting that info in the note, it's likely paypal won't let us gift you the $$.


    I'm ready to throw some day hooks already. Buying gear is like watching porn before you go on a date. Now I have this weird boner.


    Lol, good ideas. Anything to help me will be huge!



    Im making things hard on myself right now. Like I really should have made 1 post instead of 6 when replying here. I just have 4 windows open. Looking back and forth at prices and doing it on my phone.


    I'll probably wait until the 12th to post my PayPal. Just so I don't have a bunch of people's money coming in to sit on. I want the whole thing to be quick and painless for everyone.

  4. Anyone who wants to check out Ardent products come see me Saturday. I will be at Alum creek doing some scouting on the water and a littke fishing. I am more than happy letting someone try out the reels. My fishing partner is there and he has a couple of the rods you can try. I have most models of reels and will bring them.
  5. For those who didn't read in the other thread I am authorized a 1 time order for friends, family, and CR members at 50% of Ardent products. http://www.Ardentreels.com


    Ardent is a sponsor of mine and due to my work at the Columbus Fishing Expo this year I was approved to make this happen.


    My goal is to place an order April 15th. I am giving people some time to make their choices and come up with funds to do so. So far the order is over $4,000. I have a guy I know in Georgia who is responsible for 1k of the order so that kind of thing is why I am setting the date out so far. All of the order has to go on my credit card so I will need money before it is placed as I don't want to be stuck with 1k of product that I don't need. You can either bring me cash or PayPal me (gift or you cover fees). My thought is to collect money around the 12th or so. I don't want a bunch of people sending me money now as I don't want to sit on someone else's money for that long. We have a little flexibility on this so please take advantage of a huge saving that you won't find anywhere else. Ardent has been around for a long time and has many pro's on the trail. I put these reels right next to any other brands out there.


    Post here what you want and I will confirm the price with you. This will allow me to keep track of what guys want and aid in putting together an order. Let me know if you have any questions.

  6. I went two years ago and was hooked from there. Started piecing the set ups and gear I wanted together. Going to Canada for 10 days this Summer. Growing up in Vermont we caught Norther Pike a lot, there are many similarities. Next Summer we will go farther North into Canada for Northerns. If you want to get together to go after some muskies, let me know. I'll be on Clear Fork for 3 days in May.


    I was at the expo on Saturday morning. Didn't see anyone from CR and don't know the Ardent line to recall their both.

    Once I work through the tournament schedule we will pick a day to hunt musky. Clear fork is having some down years from my understanding. I am hoping to fish there is may but prob for bass. My AT is scheduled for May so I will be in Michigan fishing a lot of the month.


    Not familiar with their stuff but, I'd try a c force 2000 for 50% of 119.99 pm me the details.

    60.00 they are brand new this year but I got 4 of them. I haven't caught a fish on them yet.


    Chris, is the deal good for one of the Finesse rod/reel combos? VC2066M2


    Yeah, Clay to your earlier post i do stay busy! That is a good problem though.Yes that combo counts and will be 40.00. I don't know anything about that rod but the reel is pretty good.



    I don't know how you guys want to do this as I have to place the order and put it on my card. Part of me just wants to get the money after the reels come in and they get delivered but I don't want to take 4 or 5k in orders and get stuck with 1k of product I have to try and sell. The order is already at 4k for myself, friends, and family. We can do paypal but it will either have to be gifted to me or buyer pays fees because I don't want to have to pay to hook people up. I have guys from Florida, Georgia, and NC who talked to me at the expo who have already sent me money for their orders.

  7. Just got final word giving me the green light but Ardent Reels who is a sponsor of mine is giving me permission to place an order and give CR members a one time only discount of 50% off on all rods and reels. Ifor anyone is interested in any of the product and wants to try it at a great price let me know know. Ardentreels.com
  8. Joe, did you get into Musky fishing already or is this a first time trip? I just joined the central ohio musky club this year so I am hoping to spend some more time on it. The military is really screwing up my bass tournament schedule this summer so I should have more time to dedicate to it.


    I did not see anyone from CR at the fishing expo. I was working the Ardent Reels booth behind the hawg trough from open to close all 3 days.

  9. I tried searching but didn't find exactly what I was looking for. I have a small two computer wireless network at work and all of the sudden I am having network/print problems on the second computer. Can anyone recommend someone that will come to me or remote in to help me fix this? Everyone I have. Found so far wants me to sign up for a plan. I would rather pay as needed.
  10. I am not, but I have been keeping up on the FAA regulations, Please make sure to read up on them when/if you get one.


    They are only in place now because people couldn't stop being douchebags with them.


    No desire to be an idiot myself. More for a brief amount of filming and fun with my kid.


    I was able to pick it up and fly right away. For some reason I see alot of people who cannot though. what kind of photograpy are you wanting to do with it?


    I would like to do some action shots and video on the lake. I thought about just hiring someone since it would be really hard for me to do what I want to do and fly a drone at the same time.


    I am selling a phantom 3, pm me for details.


    If looking for great, reliable, durable, and easy to fly get DJI for sure.


  11. Not sure how we will do. Did hear Urban say 44 (I think) players at tOSU have never played a college game. Crazy.

    If we lose 1 game it'd be a miracle. Right up there with Easter.


    (Not that I truly believe that it will happen) this is the exact way people were talking about OSU two years ago lol. It is just funny to look back on in a thread just like this.

  12. I have a picture that I would like to get edited and touched up. It will be used on a website so I need it to be great. Ifor there is anyone here with the appropriate skills PM me. I would rather put it out here before I hire someone in here rather than a random person online.


    Like I said, PM me if interested and I will share the file and you can tell me how much you want.

  13. As much as I hate to recommend them based on the price, nothing compares to the rigid industry lights. Look at comparison vids. I wouldn't recommend them for everyone but for a off road guy that will actually use to them, they are worth it. The bulbs aren't any different but the reflectors are patented and none other are like them. If you aren't interested based on price and want something cheaper, get the totrons.
  14. Why would you go and put something like that out there? Now that's all I'm going to be thinking about. Let me get the house stuff wrapped up and I will be taking you up on this. I'm good for where ever for location. I like shallows, but it plays hell on many boats. You're the guide.


    For now, I will throw a line while doing a lap or two around the pond, a couple days a week. I had a striper hit a bigjoshy hard as hell last week. It was about as textbook for fishing as it could be.


    Joe we won't have any problems with shallow on this. Just let me know.



  15. all you need to do is goto alum and bass fish shallow, you will catch plenty of muskies.. though they're tapering off shallow now and heading into deeper water.. Troll crankbaits (small hot-n-tot, shad rap 7, flicker shad/minnow 7) at idle speed 2/3mph put out 100 feet of line drive of the tips of points in the south pool you will catch muskies, saugeye, bass, crappie and catfish. try to go over the points in 9\12 feet of water with those crank baits.


    Yeah now that they are pulling deeper I try not to catch them. Any of the die hard/educated musky guys will stop fishing alum shortly. It is horrible to pull them from deep water. It is just really hard on them when the water gets over 70. At clear fork they handle it a lot better due to it being shallow every where.

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