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jonni black

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Everything posted by jonni black

  1. i may join you for this. made my first run down 10/165/1504/22 yesterday after a month long break and i would like to go back.
  2. sounds like a good time. i wish there were events like this in cincinnati.
  3. Happy birthday Matt. Hope to ride with ya soon, it's been a few
  4. um...how about standard forks, and only a single injector per cylinder.
  5. looks clean. great price. should sell quickly.
  6. are you sure it has the original speedo?
  7. if you are interested in driving to cincy area there is a place with gsxr's with similar mileage and years where they will talk to you for 5200 here a link to what they are currently selling http://cincinnati.craigslist.org/search/sss?query=bbbbb and here is a link to their site http://www.adrenalinemototoys.com/inventorySB.html i picked up my 07 600rr last year from them for a great price. they are always getting new gsxr's so if you are looking give them a call. oh and that bike looks beat. glws!
  8. valve adjustment. honda calls for the at 20,000 miles.
  9. here he is. i didnt even stand a chance.lol
  10. a guy had on of these at VIR in virginia last monday. it is one gnarly bike! no one in the expert group could touch it. i think pics are posted here http://www.fandsenterprises.com/galleries2010/tpm614blue/index.html i wish i could say i came close but that 1000rr left my ass in the dust.
  11. bump! everyone that is against visual determined speeding tickets need to email these mofos
  12. http://news.cincinnati.com/article/2...ar-for-tickets COLUMBUS, Ohio — Two leading state lawmakers want to overturn a ruling by the Ohio Supreme Court that says police officers can write speeding tickets just by looking at a vehicle and estimating how fast it is going. State Rep. Robert Hagan, a Democrat from Youngstown, and state Sen. Tim Grendell, a Republican from suburban Cleveland, are working on bills that would require officers to use radar detectors or other technology to verify a vehicle's speed before issuing a ticket. The American Civil Liberties Union says last week's court ruling creates the potential for abuse. Clermont County Sheriff A.J. "Tim" Rodenberg said the ruling could lead to longer lines of people at the courthouse to fight their tickets, additional police officers on overtime and an avenue for police departments to beef up their revenue through citations. In its decision, the high court said independent verification of a driver's speed is not necessary if the officer is trained, certified by a training academy and experienced in watching for speeders. Please email Tim Gendell sd18@senate.state.oh.us and Robert Hagan district60@ohr.state.oh.us to support them in their fight of "visual speeding tickets"
  13. bump man! great fucking price! GLWS i love my subcompact g27. it is the perfect summertime/warm weather carry.
  14. damn yo brandon is just trying to sell a fucking bike and this has turned into an all out flame war. if you are not interested in the bike, thanks for looking move the fuck on. everyone has their own opinion on what they consider fast. some people like to race the twisties on the track, other like drag racing. who the fuck cares though, we all like bikes. i mean really? this all started because some dude who wont rev his bike past 6k rpm's said it looked beat? dude we ride the fuck outta our bikes, and when we are done with them it shows. i have had my bike redlined in every gear. i know exactly what my bike has in 6th gear at 15k rpms, and if you look at my bike it shows. everyone needs to chill out, i am fucking sick of all this hate OR has for the junkies.
  15. your avatar offends me. can i file a report? would it have been different if the guys wasnt middle eastern? this would have been acceptable if he had been white?
  16. mr mako and i will be hitting 10/22 in nky tomorrow. if anyone would like to join us we are meeting up at the shell on the AA highway off the wilder exit from 275 at 11AM.
  17. cows?! who needs cows when you have GOAT PATHS? j/k man, i will have to try and make it up that way for sure.
  18. i will be at shell around 1130 planning on a noon roll out. if it's any later i will see you kids at willow!
  19. here you go homie http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=58541
  20. yo darius we are meeting at shell at noon. call me or text if you can make it.
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