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Everything posted by timotheus

  1. womens hockey on cnbc right now.....sweden 1 - swiss 0
  2. i can watch curling all day long......dont know why
  3. very sad....the georgian team might pull out of the games....RIP
  4. good god !!!!....i wonder what it takes to make you laugh out loud ?
  5. i am 6 feet tall so i did survive, a ship that was identical to mine was rammed and sunk just before i went to boot camp....lost about half the crew (guess they were under 6 foot)
  6. what did the mayor of new orleans and gov blanco do besides whine and cry ?
  7. 6 years in the coast guard, 4 years of search & rescue and 2 years on a stinking ship.....blah !!!
  8. when i was young i went for a ride with my cousins in copley (just west of akron i think), they drove up and down the streets smashing mailboxes, i couldnt believe it.....made me sick. i probably should have turned them in but we were taught never to rat someone out so i didnt.
  9. be careful.....there are a lot of liberals up there
  10. never-dull will take off rust just fine but only light surface rust
  11. same here....i had an '85 yamaha FJ1100 and it was a beast
  12. "do you want to fight me" - venus hum
  13. we used never-dull to shine brass when i was in the military and i have been using it ever since
  14. i dont hate buell, its just that there are sooooo many other bikes i would rather have for 4k
  15. shut up and go play in the surf.......i have snow to shovel
  16. nothing wrong with stitches in the head....makes for some good story telling later
  17. timotheus


    they are saying 6-12 inches now......i hate you cheech, i hope your blisters get infected
  18. timotheus


    yep....i just had to look....wish i hadn't
  19. timotheus


    i wish my car had ABS..........oh well, i can practice my drifting
  20. timotheus


    1:30 and not a sign of snow in youngstown......
  21. timotheus


    we arent supposed to get the bad stuff till tonight
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