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Posts posted by flyboy1011

  1. So I was re-glueing my grip on the throttle last night because the hairspray wasn't working out and decided to go with some super glue this time. long story short, i put too much on and as i was sliding the grip onto the throttle tube some dripped down onto the plastic right below the handle bar. I quickly tried wiping it up, but that actually made it worse. Now I have about a 2" diameter layer of dried superglue on my plastic. Is there any hope or did i really screw the pooch on this one?

  2. So I just get on to check my accts today since I got paid and see my checking acct to have a zero balance and then some withdrawn from my savings to make up for overdraft. Needless to say I'm pretty pissed. Had to call the bank and cancel my card, and they said they wont be able to file claims on the charges until they're not "pending" anymore. So heading into valentines day weekend, still having to buy gifts for the female, and dinner on sunday, with a drained checking acct. and no debit card. effing awesome. :mad:

  3. Vipers are a fun ride, but if you get a choice Id rather fly in the T38. Analog flight controls and high roll rates FTW! :D

    Well if I get Vipers, I'll train on the T38 so I'll get the best of both worlds....hell who am I kidding...I'm excited for freaking T-6s lol

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