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Posts posted by flyboy1011

  1. No clue. Maybe 4 years like everything else? I hear heavies are bad. AC-130 is hot shit to alot of people.

    Viper rides are definitely fun. Ive had about 50 hrs in em before I pcs'd.

    Dont you ROTC guys get incentive rides?

    The spectres are effing sick. I would love to fly spec-ops stuff. Some of us have gotten incentive rides, but I haven't :( One of the girls at our Det got a T38 ride and one other guy got a Strike Eagle ride. The only thing I've ever been on is a C130 from Maxwell to Camp Shelby when we were out at Field Training...did you go through ROTC Academy or OTS?

  2. Yea my buddy just graduated a month or two ago also. He dropped the opportunity to fly Raptors...but atleast he's guaranteed Vipers if he doesnt pick up a Raptor slot.

    Theres a shitload of heavy drops. Most of my friends are flying C130s, C5s or B52s. Another buddy went to UPT and he said half his class dropped Predators. Said he'll get the chance to go back into the pool to fly heavies after his UAS tour..but we'll see if the air force decides to screw him over.

    Guaranteed Vipers = :bukkake::ky: Definitely jealous

    ....Do you know how long UAS tours are gonna be? I wouldn't mind heavies, but C-5s would probably be on the very bottom of my list aside from UAVs

  3. Have fun being an "operator" for UAS. UPTs a bitch...even ENJJPT guys were getting shitty drops. :D

    Heard that...my cousin's husband just graduated from ENJJPT a couple months ago and he said out of his entire graduating class there was only one F-16 Drop and the rest except like 3 all got C-5 drops...effing sweet lol. Don't get me wrong, I'm not gonna be picky, I'd just rather not fly a desk is all.

  4. Just spent a couple hours in Hilliard today at Hoblick's place while he mounted my new metzelers for me, and just wanted to give him a shout. I was the first job done since he got his new equipment put in and I'm pretty pumped to get the wheels back on the bike and get it on the road whenever it warms up. Hob did a hell of a job so anyone looking for tire mounting should give him a shout. Thanks again, man! :badgerrock::cheers::banana:

  5. Clean chain and sprockets-check

    Metzelers are in the mail, should be getting in on friday...Who wants to mount me? :takeit::leghump:

    waiting to change the oil until it gets closer to riding time

    waiting to jet carbs until I'm not broke as a joke anymore.

    I think that's all.

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