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Everything posted by flyboy1011

  1. congrats man...I'm totally jealous of that garage.
  2. When are we gonna win that jackpot, mang?!?!

  3. It's all good. I'm getting the money back. It's just a matter of when. Besides, me, swingr, and the rest of the lottery pool crew are gonna win the jackpot here sometime this month...
  4. Same here...I'm real OCD about that stuff.
  5. credit card is my debit card...don't own an actual credit card
  6. So I just get on to check my accts today since I got paid and see my checking acct to have a zero balance and then some withdrawn from my savings to make up for overdraft. Needless to say I'm pretty pissed. Had to call the bank and cancel my card, and they said they wont be able to file claims on the charges until they're not "pending" anymore. So heading into valentines day weekend, still having to buy gifts for the female, and dinner on sunday, with a drained checking acct. and no debit card. effing awesome.
  7. I'm about to be rockin' the flight suit as well. I've just always wanted to be Maverick.
  8. Yeah, where is this? I'm interested.
  9. http://dayton.craigslist.org/mcy/1582498392.html Stubled across this on CL and thought I'd share for anyone interested. I've always loved the smokin' joes and if I could afford it right now I'd buy it in a heartbeat. I'm broke tho. Anyone else a big fan of these?
  10. Well if I get Vipers, I'll train on the T38 so I'll get the best of both worlds....hell who am I kidding...I'm excited for freaking T-6s lol
  11. The spectres are effing sick. I would love to fly spec-ops stuff. Some of us have gotten incentive rides, but I haven't One of the girls at our Det got a T38 ride and one other guy got a Strike Eagle ride. The only thing I've ever been on is a C130 from Maxwell to Camp Shelby when we were out at Field Training...did you go through ROTC Academy or OTS?
  12. That's pretty cool, I'm really good friends with his son

  13. Guaranteed Vipers = Definitely jealous ....Do you know how long UAS tours are gonna be? I wouldn't mind heavies, but C-5s would probably be on the very bottom of my list aside from UAVs
  14. that's pretty awesome, man. One of my buddy in the program's dad is a test flight engineer and he's at AFIT right now too. You don't happen to know a Maj. Gutierrez, do you?

  15. you stationed at wright-patt?

  16. Heard that...my cousin's husband just graduated from ENJJPT a couple months ago and he said out of his entire graduating class there was only one F-16 Drop and the rest except like 3 all got C-5 drops...effing sweet lol. Don't get me wrong, I'm not gonna be picky, I'd just rather not fly a desk is all.
  17. haha thanks man. I'm super anxious... I've been waiting for this announcment pretty much my entire life lol
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