Do the correct exchange rate, and you'll likely find out he just threw 5,000 around.
But yes, all the same they can literally burn money over there they have so much of it.
I can with 100% certainty say I have never done that.
I cannot however say, that I don't do "stupid things" like all people do.
IE: Speed, ect.
At least he went out in a Porsche with a smile on his face!
+1 For Byers sucking ass.
Mag gets 100% of my Car purchase & Service business.
But, if you just want parts cheap, tell them you are with VWVortex and you'll get a good discount.
Yup, those are the WHIP!
Guy had a 6 speed swapped, modded bug for sale I almost bought.
But then I realized CR would tie me to a pole and flog me....:dumb: