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Mr. Jones

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Everything posted by Mr. Jones

  1. I actually told him to buy the 5.0 a 100 times, and think it's a great car. He changes his mind more than a woman on her bleed out cycle.... :fuuuu:
  2. http://withfriendship.com/images/g/32314/Wolf-dog-hybrid-picture.jpg
  3. Going against the grain and taking a bit of a risk, cooper RS3-S. New, and unproven outside of a handful of reviews, but all are gleaming with awesome, and seem to indicate a super stiff sidewall, which I dig! Here's to hoping. :masturboy:
  4. Thought it was epilepsy or something ?
  5. I still think it's amazing what you did on your first try with a car you've never driven before. I think your best time with my fat ass in the passenger seat was better than your times with your car for the day. With just you, and some time behind the wheel, I can only imagine what you could do with the white whale. Skills & Experience > * PS: Derek's got some tires for me coming in today, so I can hopefully do a little better next time! :megusta:
  6. :dumb: You put Panasonic, it's a Pioneer.
  7. Thank god you didn't risk that. :dumb: FS: Bitcoins, in quantities from 1-1000 Come at me internet bro's come at me.
  8. Link no work. https://picasaweb.google.com/Simi.Ritch/Jun262011Pts5PixByAaronHibbard# That it maybe? HALP I NEED COILOVERS!!! :dumb:
  9. Yeah concrete would just ruin those shoes. :gabe:
  10. It was decided internally, you were targeted as a strategic troll. dealwithit.jpg Troll Sting Operations '11 underway.
  11. Don't let the trolls try and skew your view of things friend. By Unanimous Decision, it was decided that trolls needed trolled themselves.... This was simply to try and reign in the terror of the sheer amount of trolling that was going on. As you can see, the troll has learned his lesson. Like Cesar Milan, you have to show them who is dominant. Soon, we will take turns mounting them. Stay tuned.
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