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Mr. Jones

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Everything posted by Mr. Jones

  1. Perfect wheel for that car. Excellent choice!
  2. I've personally had this happen in southern ohio as well, also from a jacked up truck. Went to pass (car not bike) (not double yellow) and he merges over to block. Thankfully the prick turned off about 5 miles down the road. While we can all argue that yes, he technically shouldn't have passed on a double yellow, the truck driver shouldn't have tried to enforce this, by trying to KILL HIM.
  3. Welcome, nice ride. You mentioned everything but what turbo you have on the beast...
  4. I remember when cars were that slow.... THey used real horses... http://s3.amazonaws.com/kym-assets/entries/icons/original/000/005/180/fuckthat.jpg?1302809593
  5. Seemingly works for everyone else. :dumb:
  6. Only camera I have that takes a worthwhile picture: http://latestpriceindia.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/Canon-PowerShot-SX30IS.jpg The rest are crappy P&S or Camera Phone crap.
  7. I thought this was about photo's. My bad.
  8. Heres some of my dirty daily meats. NT05's FTW. I'm posting actual photos as this is the photo area. I rock because I posted first. http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2404/5756828746_b3a780e450_b.jpg http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2086/5756837672_d826bc7d59_b.jpg http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5144/5571367629_754aab93df_b.jpg
  9. YES Wanna go from a dig bro ?:dumb:
  10. Nice pickup. Wanna race a neon ?
  11. The way I see it, as a criminal, you have to justify that what you are about to do is possibly worth your life. IE: If I'm going to walk up to someone (not knowing if they are armed) and proceed to take a purse/ wallet/ ect. Then you must have figured your life is possibly worth that item in trade. Thankfully, Myself, and others are more than happy to help facilitate this transaction.
  12. The Passat is also the upscale model in their line. It keeps the 4 wheel independent suspension, 4 wheel disc ect. I think a DSG TDI Passat would make a great DD! Perfect if not for lack of AWD.
  13. Hot. Yes, tires are everything, they are after all the only thing connecting your car to the road. I thin I'm going to hit up 555, then maybe TOTD..
  14. 1. Wait until their next "sign and drive" promotion. 2. PROFIT.
  15. I do 100 horizontal pull-ups every day before work. I thought everyone did ?
  16. Looking back on the number of people that were "detained" during the last OC march that helped lead to the passing of the CHL, I think I'll pass. Kudos to those willing to be the "I know my rights" guys that get thrown in the back of the cruiser for "inciting panic".
  17. I would like to point out some of the irony in this thread. If a CR member filmed that happening around here, and put it on CR, everyone would haze the crap out them for being reckless and 50% would tell them to DIAF for endangering everyone. That being said, it looks like fun. :dumb:
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