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Everything posted by ohdaho

  1. I put nearly 8k on my rear with spirited riding and regular commuting. Switched tires for the track and the rear still had plenty of life
  2. OSU and Jrmii are both right (or not wrong) on their each account. My philosophy has always been to be risky since your young. You can make up any losses and aren't completely fucked. I check the markets everyday and spend atleast 30-60 minutes a day keeping tabs on my equities. I still don't think you can ever have a hands off approach( buy and hold) in today's economy...look at lehman bros. But mutual funds and equities can contribute to a good portfolio...stay educated, stocks are guaranteed money on any acct.
  3. Sell it or trade-in for amazon credit!
  4. Who cares about a video of IP? Just bc you have a camera doesnt mean you need to record everyone moment of your life. Go ride instead!
  5. ill wait for the 5 in possibly jun since I cant update now anyways...but i didnt get the gf a 4s. but it wont be here for another week or so.
  6. So youre selling it? Newb. Read the rules and post in the right forums!
  7. My hard drive on my MBP crapped out on me about a month back, but Im finally getting the time to work on this. Unfortunately, I didnt have time to back stuff up... Should I got with a SSD HD or just go with a normal HD at a fraction of the cost? I dont game, and I rarely ever use my laptop much anymore since Im getting a tablet soon. What SSD should I go with? ...lastly. Is there anything I can do to try to salvage the data off the LBTS drive?
  8. ohdaho

    No caption

    Whoa I've flown in that jet! Tail 391 from Edwards...it's a test bird. Weird
  9. Not to be a dick, but you dont sound like youre ready to be day trading. Stock prices arent everything. A 10% gain is exactly that...it doesnt matter what the stock price is as long as you gain 10%. It all depends on your risk aversion and the VALUE of a stock. Stocks dont fluctuate easier just because its $1. Normally, its market volume driving some of those changes. I play mainly small cap biotechs, and normally hold a portffolio of 3-5 companies with various things in their pipelines. Get onto some of the sites and start doing some research. Look into options also. You can control a lot of shares without a large initial investment. Id disagree with Jrmii, the market right now has changed...its no longer a buy and hold (and pray) environment. If you're looking for an investment that you can buy and be hands off go buy a CD.
  10. Everyone you ask is going to have a different opinion. If youre ever in Boston, avoid ATT like the plague. Most MIL folks will tell you ATT reception around AFBs are pretty crappy.
  11. I think the new grill looks alright...something different, more aggressive instead of the pansy stuff going on now I could seriously do without the flames tho. Unless youre into that type of thing
  12. Its extremely beneficial if you're in between tax brackets, making enough donations this year could drive your taxable income down a bracket hence saving you money.
  13. Whats the spring rate on the ohlins? Are these just ready to slide into the existing tubes?
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFiOITXtRVM plenty of squidiness.
  15. FYI... This looks to be a novice light day...no class, more one-on-one coaching, and more open track. Sounds like a great opportunity for us novice guys that are getting more comfortable with track days. http://www.sttforum.com/sttforum/viewtopic.php?t=10255
  16. Bad, check out Tiesto's club life podcasts as well as Gareth Emery's Podcast...some of the newest and hosttest trance mixes. and theyre all free.
  17. This i dont get. I know im not white and may not get this, but im from texas so i feel like i do know something about the right to bear arms. But this in no way is the same as "the race thing." Not allowing minorities to eat, pee or drink in your establishment based on your creator-given traits is no the same as you choosing not to enter an establishment because you cant CCW. No one is forbidding you to eat...you just cant carry a gun into this est. Its not like you popped out of your mom's uterus strapped to a 38 special...as painful and cool that sounds.
  18. Wow @ some of you in this thread. I try to dine at establishments that dont require me to CCW. As a foodie, I like good food and that has nothing to do with CCW. I dont blame some restauranteurs feeling hesitant about allowing guns inside their establishments. Its their restaurant. Did someone just try to compare CCW to race? wow.
  19. Finally got one...well a couple. Still sealed in the box. Great screen, perfect for browsing the internet, watching movies and checking email. Info can be found here: http://www.amazon.com/HP-TouchPad-9-7-Inch-Tablet-Computer/dp/B0055D66V4/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1317264428&sr=8-1 $250
  20. Dang kid, from 1-2 track days to race sponsorship in a month?!?! good luck.
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