Guy shot of a library and then himself. Thankfully he wasnt a marine and no one else was reported hurt.
Unless youre coming from Dayton...ill wait til the weekend gets closer to look at the forecast. I hate riding in the rain. Ohio meteorologists are useless more than 12 hrs from an actual forecast.
I discovered this past weekend that duct tape is one of the most important tools you can have on a ride. It might not fix everything...but youll be able to put shit back together enough to get home.
Friend swerved to miss someone. Laid it down in the grass at a relatively slow speed. Front end headlight assembly LBTS. Massive amounts of duct tape for the tipover sensor and tach and headlights so we could make the ride home. No injuries.
Dayton crew made it home safely. Thanks to John for putting the ride together and Todd for putting the bike back together. Bike may be broken but atleast no one got hurt. Tim sends his thanks.
Im bringing some dayton folks (3-4 of us). Anybody got a cell phone I can contact someone in the main group just in case of emergency or if we get lost?