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Posts posted by Coyote

  1. well, if your contention is that the length of a "day" isn't determined by how long god wanted it to take for the sun to travel across the sky (or in reality the earth to rotate on it's axis) then what would you propose as an alternative?

    If there is an alternative, why use the word "day"?

    I'm sure it depends on where God was standing...Probably not actually on Earth at the time. Mercury's day is roughly 58 Earth-days.

    ETA: Aside...Which is roughly what 1 day in Woodward, Oklahoma seems like.

  2. I've always been of the opinion that kids should be spanked from time-to-time...Even if you don't catch them doing anything wrong. They're sneaky little buggers and probably have done something deserving of a good switching that you just haven't found out about. Plus it just keeps them on their toes...:cool:

  3. Still have my doubts about turkey "bacon". Might have to give it a try.

    Don't see how it'd have enough juice in which to fry your eggs?

    Would it be g-t-g to puree and slather on cubed/skewered chicken for the grill?

    I guess if your religion (and maybe Dr.) prohibits pork...

  4. Gave the first session the finger after sliding around the first 4 laps...went back to pit to drink more coffee. Grip got much better after that.

    Rolled through hot-pit more times today than I think I ever have. Got in one cluster this afternoon that ended up 7 or 8 riders going 3-lines-wide through Turn One (felt like rush hour traffic for a few seconds). Very few crashes, though, and a good day all-in-all.

  5. Thanks for the input

    Shadyone: Yeah, it's probably more of a haul to get here than it's worth. Have never bothered doing anything with sealing and/or power-washing...Which is most probably why we have some degradation.

    We have what looks like a void beneath the concrete might have given way where a rear tire of my truck usually ends up, and a section at the junction of the driveway and the street has broken into several large chunks. And of course, just on front of the garage door where it does freeze/thaw more frequently than any other part of the driveway it has disintegrated into gravel. It looks like that may have already been repaired once before

    We have rarely treated the driveway with any type of de-icer or salt (except for the steps...) Oddly enough, most of this happened during/after a winter in which I don't recollect having any snow even stick to the pavement.

    cmh_sprint: Thanks, I'll shoot tbutera2112 a pm...

  6. I also know several riders run stock components and while we can adjust, we typically will be putting a band-aide on the bike as it will only be limited as to what we can accomplish. Like the guy at Mid-O the last time. He had too stiff a spring rate and even with the pre-load all the way out, we were still at 25 mm sag which I wanted to have more not only due to being able to adjust if need be, but the fact that I felt it was too stiff... Coyote can maybe chime in and speak as to what his thoughts were. I never got back over to him to check it out...

    I stopped over some time mid-afternoon, but it looked like you had packed it in.

    Since the last time any of the settings were touched (3 years ago?) the forks' internals had been replaced/upgraded, the shock upgraded, and both myself and the bike have been lightened. Just hadn't been able to have the extra hands and knowledge all together at once to do anything about it. I had no idea how far off it was. Making just those adjustments definitely made a noticeable difference in handling...Of course, some bad habits became apparent where I was used to the stiff set-up. After getting past that it was great. If anyone hasn't gotten their baseline settings checked, definitely find a way to do it.

    Will definitely cross w/ Reuben over the winter and talk springs.

  7. Dude, that thing is SICK!!! I've always liked the looks of that bike and with the wheels and frame color, it's one of those I would really like to own.

    I bet it sounds as sick as it looks with the Akras, also!! GLWS!!

    This could be your big chance..! And, by the way--Yes. Yes it does.

    Where's Fudsworth? This has his limey ass written all over it.

    He knows...Mentioned it to him yesterday. Maybe selling bodily fluids? Would be nice to keep this in the family ;)

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