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Posts posted by Coyote

  1. Just a quick aside. 2009 saw close to 21% jump in Firearm related fatalities for Law Enforcement officers. More guns=more dead police. Win? Is that how the logic works?

    Guess that would all depend on how one felt about police.

    Is the increase in police fatalities really tied to more guns being sold?

    Or is it more criminal activity? Things have gotten deperate for many in the last year.

    Yes, there were many more firearms sold this year...Many by first-timers wanting to be able to defend themselves, Many by enthusiasts fearing a ban by the new administration, and many hoping to make a profit after the anticipated ban. People do not automatically become maniacal criminals by purchasing a tool.

  2. ...the first is a Wilson Combat Super Grade this is by far the finest hand gun one could own with my GSAR US Government Issue watch a killer combo

    No compass in the stock, but it does have this thing that tells time :D.

    Sorry--Saw Christmas Story one too many times.

  3. ^ BWahahaha, oh were you serious? you need to go buy more guns.

    Hi. My name is Jeremy.

    I resort to sarcasm/irony/cynicism to express my thoughts; else I come off as even more of a jackass.

    While I see no statistical significance to the extrapolation, I also recognize that human beings do not, have not, and never will coincide completely peacefully. There will always be someone willing to take what someone else has by whatever violent means available.

    …And there will always be those that are willing to defend.

  4. Wait what? I'm confused.

    Then my scheme has worked. (...followed by maniacal laughter)

    is someone taking something to serriously here? b/c rarely do I post a serious comment on here, esp in a thread like this. I though that everyone on here was well versed in interwebz sarcasm enough that I didn't have to utilize the [sarcasm][/sarcasm] tool.

    We're in the same boat...

    Basically, I made light of your explanation...oversimplifying its content with regard to the original context of the thread. I added a two parts cynicism and a dash of naiveté...And it would appear that the irony was lost by use in such a [sarcasm] serious medium for social change [/sarcasm] (Thanks for the faux-tool by the way :cheers:)

    Alternately, the retort was to be decidedly over-complicated, since the simple approach failed...

  5. Why would you laugh…?

    Would it were that you were the intended recipient of the reply, you would have picked up on the tongue-in-cheek, oversimplified summarization directed toward the quoted elucidation of proper digital photographic technique—with emphasis on the closing remark: “Did anyone follow that or are you just calling me a dork right now?Further, the “Stick Out Tongue” smiley adds to the snub of the remark—as is conventional to do on a discussion board.

    Again, these were directed toward Mr. EvilTwin, and no one else.

    If, perchance, you are neither Caucasoid nor Mongoloid in descent, and happen to have misunderstood the semantics and intent therein: Please accept my humble apology, as I meant no racial disrespect.

    If you happen to be an employee of Hewlett Packard or one of its subsidiaries…Or rather you are just an amateur PC Nazi: LEARN TO F*CKING CONTEXTUALIZE YOU TOMATO-EATING, COMMUNIST LEG-HUMPER!!!

    Thank you, good night, and God bless America.

  6. It's probably just having a problem recognizing the facial features of the his dark skin b/c it's not receiving enough light information. Most of the data in digital pictures is on the white side of the scale and not on the black side. That's why you are supposed to over expose digital pictures rather than under expose, b/c if a picture is over exposed 2 stops it can be recovered back to normal exposure w/ more info than a picture that has been under exposed by 2 stops... Did anyone follow that or are you just calling me a dork right now?

    So there is nothing wrong with the computer...it's just his fault then for being black? :p

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