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Posts posted by Coyote

  1. Yes, which would be the first time. So if you could just strike the word "again" from post number 5, we'll be good. Faggot.

    Lighten up there, Spivey. Wasn't accusing you of your having made prior accusations towards myself..."Again" refers to prior questioning of the validity of my own personal opinions, as posed by both real people and the folks who just live in my computer.

  2. Well.. maybe I should of used the word decline! They had a huge decline around the 9th century that almost wiped them out completely!

    Collapse is another good word. Who's to say they didn't see it coming? Probably just sat around arguing whether it was their own fault, or a natural climatic cycle.

    Once a civilization reaches the peak of what the land base can sustain, it doesn't take much to tip the balance. Say an extended drought, as suggested by the ecological record. Even if you see it coming, what does one do about it? Divide into smaller groups and leave the city centers to exploit available resources wherever they may be. Which is most likely how it played out...And the culture never recovered to what it once was before the arrival of the Spanish.

    Again, the idea of the 'end of the world' is a social/cultural phenomenon imported by the Europeans. As far as the 'Mayan prophesies' of the same--they are pretty much the invention of tabloids and history channel specials selling the end of the world.

    As far as the calendar is concerned...Keen astrological observation and complex mathematics. Pretty amazing for the time when one thinks about it...And you don't have to add a day every 4 years to keep it correct.

  3. I wonder why they dont credit the Mayans. They predicted 12-21-12 as the end of the world............over 3 thousands years ago.

    That date is nothing other than the end of a cycle, or an era--if you will. Normally a new cycle would start, but they apparently hadn't worked far ahead enough to document the succeeding cycle. More pressing matters as the society was crumbling due to overpopulation/drought/diminished carrying capacity...

    "Doomsday" is mostly a western creation.

    Of course, I'm not buying anyone Christmas presents until 12-22-12--just in case.

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