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Everything posted by mhallam85

  1. About other lifeforms out there....I'll believe it when I actually see it BUT even if there are other lifeforms out there, why do we think they would have the technology to fly in outer-space? Could be a planet out there with life and they don't have the technology that we have.
  2. I use to work at a place that hired a bunch of Somalians. They were rude and thought everyone who worked there were there for them and they were stinky. I had one threaten me because I didn't get to his laptop fast enough. I was at the DMV and the lady behind the counter told this Somalian how much he owed and he said "No, Too much" Like he was trying to haggle with her on the fees...silly Somalian
  3. His job was Air Transportation.
  4. Thats crazy chevy that you knew him, what a small world. Ross was in my unit at the 87th. He was a great guy and I never imagined him doing that to himself. We all knew something was going on when the base commander came in with the Chaplin. This news was hard on our unit over the weekend. Also being in the Air Force there are SOO many resources available to get help and thats what I'm mad about. He didnt realize how many lives he affected and only if he knew that maybe this wouldnt of happened.
  5. brings a tear to my eye every time
  6. "So, Randy, as a Michigan fan, whom the Buckeye faithful HATE, let me help you to understand what you'll face on Saturday: 100,000+ FREAKING WACKOS who have had time to let that hate and anger for that stupid U build for nearly eight years (And they WON! Can you imagine if they had lost on that call???), who have an anger management issue with people who talk smack about their team/town, who will have several hours to enjoy a few adult beverages, and who want to win every game like their lives depend on it." Oh do I love Ohio and the Buckeyes!!!!!
  7. Regardless it doesn't matter. Everyone seems to bend over backwards to not offend any Muslim. Burn the Quran riots and extremism, move the mosque riots and extremism. They know that they'll get their way because of threats and looks like it works to me...sad
  8. All Qurans should be burned until the world is in peace. Then there would be no misinterpretation of Islam
  9. That guy went to a new charter of SOA. (So at least I thought, but now im questioning my self, thanks to you lol) Im pretty sure its the same guy
  10. My opinion only....Honestly even though its their religion I feel like they know they will get publicity for protesting it because it seems like everyone is afraid to offend the Muslims. Our laws says we can do it so screw them, the women in Iran who faces the death penalty of being stoned for committing adultery, whatever it doesn't bother me because that's their laws....and side note, I hate the stupid Muslims that go way to far with this crap. Please just get in a big group all together and let someone wipe you out so you can go see your "72 Virgins" and be a martyr and wipe our hands of this.
  11. I forget his name but he was the guy in one of the episodes that they took a blowtorch and took off his tat on the back of SOA. He use to be in the club and Opie took the fall for something because he left him stranded ORR something along those lines if im not mistaken.
  12. yea i thought the same thing too with Gemma. So I wonder what was written in the paper now. Because I thought the paper said something about the kidnapping of Abel
  13. Just saw clips from the rest of the season and im going to say this will be up to par with season 1 if not better!
  14. WOW!!!! Never saw that ending coming..... amazing
  15. Oh man this just made me excited again for Sons Of Anarchy
  16. She looks so much better with her glasses off.
  17. and out of all those people, how many actually post and are active on the board. Im going to say way less then 4567
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