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Posts posted by '03VstarSH

  1. " Today’s hard-hitting investigative report from the Wall Street Journal: The new Sun Chips bags are loud. Like, really loud. The new bags are biodegradable and compostable (good), but as a result, are also more “crispy and crunchy” (bad). The poor Sun Chips fans who just want to be able to get a midnight snack without waking up the household have compared the sound of the crinkling bag to a “revving motorcycle,” the WSJ reports.


    Guy measures decibels of SunChip bag:


  2. "A military pilot called for a priority landing because his single-engine jet fighter was running "a bit peaked." Air Traffic Control told the fighter pilot that he was number two, behind a B-52 that had one engine shut down. "Ah," the fighter pilot remarked, "The dreaded seven-engine approach."

    "An SR-71 and crew were flying over Southern California when a bug smasher came on the airwaves in a dorky voice:

    Cessna 152: Ground Control, What's my airspeed?

    Ground Control: 100 at FL 100.

    A few moments later a cocky voice came on:

    Mooney M20: Ground Control, What's MY airspeed?

    Ground Control: 240 at FL 240.

    By this time the SR pilot was seething, but since communications were the duty of his new co-pilot, he remained silent. A few moments of radio silence passed, and in the calmest voice imaginable the co-pilot keyed in:

    SR-71: Ground Control, What's our airspeed?

    Ground Control: 1875 at FL 800.

    There were no more speed checks called in that afternoon, and the pilot knew that he had a cool partner in the back seat."

    "My friend says he was training an ATC rookie - I think he said it was out at Nellis AFB.

    Anyway, one day this kid takes a call from an aircraft requesting clearance to FL 800 (80,000 feet)...

    Rookie (dripping with sarcasm): "Okay, hotshot -- if you think you can take her that high, GO FOR IT!!"

    Pilot of the SR-71 on the other end of the radio: "Roger Control; now DESCENDING from 100,000 feet to FL 800....""

  3. Well, I made it through my torture in the land of a$$ kissing.

    Not very eventful. Didn't see Obama. That would have made the news. Stopped by the White House. Emptied the change out of my pocket, threw it over the fence and told Ol' Barack he can keep it. (Secret Service laughed @ me, guess they were too busy guarding a state dinner or something)

    Got ROYALLY screwed over in pay. Told boss he shouldn't screw with people who carry guns for him. He took that as a threat. I told him it wasn't.

    A threat would be... "I'm going to fu*king shoot you if you don't pay me"

    So don't accuse me of that again or I'll fu*king shoot you.

    He didn't laugh, I did. He tried to make me stay longer. I said hell no.

    Saw the "touristy" sights.






    Great Food

    ...and now I'm back. Yeah, not that eventful...

    So then Godzilla showed up and ate Newt Gingrich.

    The End

    *sigh* Godzilla disappoints these days. I would have expected him to take a dump on the capitol building or white house lawn or something. :lol:

  4. Idiocracy (trailer below...wanted to just embed the link, not the entire video...oh well) is easily one of my favorite movies. It tanked hard in theaters (blame FOX) and not many people know about it, but it's well worth seeing. The trailer sort of bills it as a zainy comedy, but it's really a very clever satire wrapped in an over-the-top setting. Anyone who is frustrated with how f'd the country is and how stupid people are nowadays....watch this movie :D

    Actually, a story I heard is that Fox was not allowed to promote this movie at all because of the companies named in the movie, Starbucks-Costco-etc. They were supposedly told that if they tried to promote it, those companies would sue or perhaps FOX was afraid they would sue.

    President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho!!!!!


  5. "Police in central Pennsylvania say they arrested an Amish man on drunk driving charges over the weekend after he was found asleep in his moving buggy."

    "An off-duty officer from nearby Quarryville reported seeing the horse pulling the buggy at a walking pace as it straddled the center line."

    Can't even trust the damn horse! :lol:


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