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Posts posted by '03VstarSH

  1. So I'm making my way home and stop off at a lake to take a little smoke break. I'm just getting ready to leave and this older guy comes riding down on one of these:


    His had saddlebags and rear-bag tho and he's got a handful of stickers on them from European countries. It turns out this guy has taken his bike over to Europe twice and has ridden the dragon(had sticker) on it. I thought it was damned interesting and worth the cig the guy bummed off me. :D

  2. i like the way you think , always a fan of ball shot paybacks :D

    True story: Playing capture-the-flag in this small ravine. My team was spread out with myself and 2 others are on one hillside, 3 more on the other hillside, and 4 down the middle. All we heard from the other side was the sound of a shot and somebody go "Ow, Fuck, my balls." Damn near ruined the whole game because everybody on both teams started to laugh and after the game, the guy is walking around showing the the shot. :D

  3. Guy walks out of a mall and sees this distraught blonde lady standing by her car. He asks "What's the problem?" She says "The batteries in by keyfob are going dead and I can't get my door unlocked. See, I push and push and nothing happens." The guy takes the keys out of her hand and unlocks the door with the key.


  4. Fix it!! Fix it!! Fix it!! Fix it!! Fix it!! Fix it!!

    Oh, um, nevermind, it seems to be back now. :D

    *Insert smartass joke about drunk admin tripping over the plug again* :drink:

    Just kidding. Just kidding.

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