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Everything posted by Bluezx6r

  1. 1. I WANT TO DO A TRACKDAY WITH NESBA 2. No 3. N/A 4. Either dates
  2. In should be bring ing a buddy of mine.
  3. Bluezx6r

    Kick Ass!

    Watch-Movies.net is Better.
  4. Im actually happy to not talk about nasty man boobs lol. It makes me feel nauseated
  5. Lol then we need to have a talk with Tyler. I'm thinking it was him who was telling me this nonsense lol. Go figure he was wrong. lol
  6. I actually chuckled at that lol.
  7. I'm Gonna guess thats a piece of an animal he ate whole??
  8. Floppy, Body acne, Pierced, Hairy all the elements of some nasty tits.... lmao
  9. But then agian... Not as bad as this..... LMAO
  10. That kinda looks like The image a doctor gets after shoving a one of those cameras up your ass. lol
  11. ^^^ I dont think i would have the balls to run from the cops lol.
  12. Very Nice bike. Too bad i dont have a cruiser to trade you.
  13. I was always told to stay away from Synthetics with my bike because the transmission uses the same oil my engine does. Is this Fact or Fiction?
  14. Yea I just revisited those pictures, Damn that thing is smashed up. Its weird too i came back from Logan (Hocking Hills) last night and just missed a deer it was like 9:30 or so.
  15. lol, Most of the parts on whats left of you bike are smashed arent they?
  16. I need: Front Nose Fairing Headlight Assembly Windscreen But i want;) are some other Parts. Like new Levers, The stock ones seem to be junk Plastic. Some upgraded Brake lines. I also would like a power commander and a K/N air Filter. Also would REALLY love a solo Cowl. If anyone has these or some other parts for a 06 ZX6R let me know. Thanks:)
  17. Damn, I'm glad your ok Bro... Damn deer.
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