Off topic but Chrome is that a light in your tailpipe? And I dunno about you complex b7t at mine bikes aren't allowed in parking spaces.. they will tow.
lol True, But its like our Mustangs they are the same car but a 98 has less horse than a 04 Same motor newer parts, better design. I dunno I may just be crazy though. lol but good luck anyways. By the way nice shoei when the hell did you get it?
Yea i was thinking of using the zip-ties as well, But hopefully the guy who wrecked it for me will be buying me a new nose and headlight assembly within the Month i just may need it painted i was thinking of asking attack painter.
Ok ok ill be honest i just used the notice thing as a crutch i only had someone pull out in front of me once lol but i was fine. My Buddie has I wanna say a "straight pipe" on his GSXR 1000 and its crazy loud thats the only reason i was thinking of this. BUT i did not take the restrictor out lol. Although i was riding on the west side by Briggs high school. I swear to god a 6 maybe 7 year old boy rolled a tire out in front of me two days ago.. lol i just swerved around it and was fine but man what a kid lol.
I ran into a problem.. The Shroud if the exhaust covers that blot and it looks like it has rivets in it how can i remove them without ruining the exhaust?
For those wanting to see the Damage.. Keep in mind it does not look as bad as it is. The other side of the nose is cracked. And back behind that headlight the assembly is cracked. Ask wants 1200 Parts and like 300 labor to do the work.
Agian tyler? lol didnt we discuss this already lol you will change your mind in a few hours.... Looks great though need to give me those parts for my GT lmao
Its not that i want it super loud, Its just i have a horrible time with people noticing me when i ride. I figure if the don't look for me the could at least "hear" me. lol Also i assume that the piece on the far left end is the piece that needs removed?
I Have a full Acropovic (excuse my spelling) under tail exhaust that i was thinking of switching out. I just does not seem loud enough to me. But i was worried of a possible drop in power? I also wanted to keep the under tail style. Any ideas? Thanks