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Everything posted by Bluezx6r

  1. Thats just gross.. I would never show my face in public agian after a conviction like that. I don't think i could show my face just for being accused of it lol
  2. Dont feed it or it will stay! lol Really though thats a nice truck.
  3. lol that was a pretty funny video.
  4. Thats pretty cool, Tried it once myself almost lost my right eye due to being thrown off it with no helmet... lol
  5. I was thinking of going but i'm not sure.
  6. Dude your bike looks AWESOME!
  7. lol this should not have been the first thing i read when i opened this thread... im going to leave very slowly.
  8. Hey what are you doing today?

  9. lol I gave you two one more.
  10. lol i have a bad tranny, and need new bushings on the whole car, cause the squeak is unbearable. I also need new seats that are leather. lol the list goes on and on.

  11. lol i dont see him giving "me" the hookup but your like his best friend so i would assume he would for you! yea i know i wish i had a grand.. But i also needa new helmet and had to go and buy that rearset lol.

  12. We could so work with that man! lol just need some race plastics and tune up lol and some mods o and MONEY lol

  13. lol ok fine you win,a 600 it is.. Yes but will he let you use his hookup??

  14. lol oh its not? lol Yes i have thousands, anytime she has a camera the girl is snapping shots lol.
  15. Man you need a liter bike for a track bike lol so we need an R1. Im sure we can find a smashed one that we could fix up!

  16. Is my Picture not showing??
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