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Everything posted by Bluezx6r

  1. lol man poor nicky...Hes a great racer though he has just had a tough year.. Lorenzo has taken some pretty bad falls this year as well.
  2. Me (BlueZX6R) and My girl Skylar
  3. I have already painted it in with a paint pen... it did a decent job. lol But anyways dude we need to invest in a track bike! Lets build one together and then join Moto GP lol. But really though i wanna track bike lol. We can even use a yami if you want too lol

  4. Man i can only imagine the pain of one of those throws...
  5. oh ok lol, i was afraid cause i didnt wanna piss anyone off lol
  6. lol sorry kawi kid didnt mean to start trouble.
  7. lol i really looked before i made one... there was no sign of one. Just Honda and aprillia and i think one more but i'm not sure.
  8. lol yea, I was looking to join one. I searched and searched and couldnt find one so i figured i would make one.
  9. lol i dont like the shound of uh oh..
  10. Bluezx6r has created a new social group called "Kawi Lovers!", with the following description: To join this group visit the social groups homepage where this new group will be listed.
  11. Bluezx6r

    bike 3

    Really nice bike bro.
  12. Love the bike man, good luck selling it, wish i had 10 grand lol
  13. I would like to know which one as well.
  14. Bluezx6r

    Polar Bear Run

    What exactly is this? Do you need to ride your motorcycle?
  15. I dunno, if i can believe that. I mean how fast was that guy running lol? Apparenly he has no need to use a motorcycle to go around the track lol.
  16. LMAO hey hey hey now, i have a bum tranny in that stang lol! But yes you killed me lol. i couldent keep up.

  17. lol its cool man shit happens.. lol We will hang eventually lol

  18. lmao, Yea they kinda wanted to take all driver error out of the race. Which in my opinion isnt really a race...
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