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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. Zac, I went through that experience with going to the VA with one of my guys. It's pretty frustrating. What we are referring to as "civilian PTSD" is still just PTSD. It only take an out of the normal, in the mind set of the person, experience where they had to do something or had something happen to them. Many people from 9/11 are under care for helping or being part of what happened that day. It happens to people from being in car accedents. Some people react differently to situations and process what's going on in a different way. It's not a fault in the person. I know people who had several close calls with rockets and IEDs. Yet, they just wanted to get back out there. I know another person who fell off a parked truck, about 3 feet, and got knocked out for a minute. When they came to, they were all fucked up scared that they hit an IED and the enemy was after them. That person sent home shortly after that. You put someone in an environment they can't fathom, and have a trigger event, they are going to be out of balance. They key is finding how to balance them after so they can enjoy things.
  2. Civilian PTSD, given your sexual assult referance, is tramatic. However, what I think is not being said is the combat conflict and being in the environment where you are wanted dead. Fucking dead!!! Mangled brutally, and still having to move forward with your mission knowing this is what is wanted of you by the enemy. An enemy that you do not know who they are most of the time. Seeing your friend's get hurt and losing them. It can wear on people in many ways that are different than for others. All I wanted was to protect my soldiers, the people I cared about in a bad place. And sometimes that was out of my hands. Now that I'm home, that carries over, but it's a little easier to work with. That's why I started teaching CCW classes. I don't want people to be a victim. I just want them to be safe as best they can. My hope is a CCW holder will stop an act of terrorism before it happend; for the person to be there to make the difference. So if it isn't clear what is meant by "have you served" maybe that is a perspective that was not looked at.
  3. No need to notify. They don't care and will treat you like that. It's a good gesture that many have discussed. I have spoke with the Sheriffs about this in 2 county's, and I just moved recently.
  4. Isuzu Stylus, WITH Lotus handling!!!!! Shit was sick.
  5. Mock me will you? Haha I'm not saying Anton was wrong. You cover who's close to you first. I'm only saying all you can do is communicate the the change the best you can. After that, it is what it is. Now we get to read about it here. CR life lessons.
  6. Cash pays for things. Your word is king. If there's a change, communication is all you can do.
  7. Ok folks, this Saturday is creeping up on us, and it's going to be fun. I still have a few open seats if there are people who's plans change and are able to make it. PM me for the address and to answer any questions you may have. Thanks, and I look forward to working with everyone.
  8. This. I'm somewhere in that power range. My buddy dropped $45k+ and just got a 2010 CTS-V. He had a 2005 before, with bolt ons. Point being, he just dropped a ton of $ and it's right where my FD is. And he wants to It's plenty of power. I have been content with this set up for a couple years and just can't justify putting more $ into making it faster. I guess it comes down to what your ability to drive is. I have some game, but I know I'm about at what I'm comfortable and capable of handling. If you have a ton of seat time in a high power car, the power gets dull, I guess. Then You want to push more.
  9. Men of his time faught a fight that most today aren't hard enought to handle. Valor was a matter of honor and not a punchline for those of lesser salt to mock men of determination toward the mission. SFC. D Congrats to you and your family for being there to share that with him.
  10. Cut me a deal on that mirror, man.
  11. My buddy picked up a 2010 V this weekend. Again, I have to stay with the V. To power is soooo smooth and yet hits good. The interior was everything I expected from a car that level. And the braking; well it's a good thing the windshield isn't too close. Damn! That car stoooooops. If you have $45k+ just chillin that you don't care about, the 2009+ V is good fun with it.
  12. I found bulk 22 from a private party for a decent price. I bought it all because I was tired of looking for it and having a limit. I still look for it in store, just to see. Dicks had it $39.99 per 500. That's why they are called Dicks I guess. It's neat to look there but that's about it.
  13. I have to train, so I have to pay. FYI, I shot with a buddy on Friday and he had some oooooooold 9mm ammo from the 80's. The price sticker said 18.99.
  14. I have been following the availability of ammo, like most have, for the last 6-8 months. We all have seen where pricing has been, but the availability has made it challenging to come by. From what I have seen over the last 2 weeks, it's out there if you want it. Pricing is still up though. I usually follow the common ammo of 9mm, .40, 223, 7.62x39 and .22. It's all out there right now. I even check the 5.7x28, which has been gone completely for month's. Vance's last week had no limit on target 9mm @ $39.xx for 100. You don't have to like Vance's, I'm just using them as an example. Other online places have 1000 round buys for .223 and the other common ammo. I'm just saying it seems to be back out there.
  15. Well it's two months out and those going should be locked in now. Who all is going? I would like to meet up and go over everyones plans. offer my shop to and prep work needed. My car is now off the streets being prepped and to be sure nothing last minute happens. I'll take it to a few events, but the specB is now on stand by.
  16. Every G35 I run into has a bunch of nothing done to it and the owner thinks he has a sports car. I have yet to met one that was what I would call a car guy. More of a shine it up and do bolt ons and wheels. Yup, the G35's look good. CTS-V, c'mon man, hands down. I wouldn't mind that it looks like a big bodied old person car. It's not a bad looking car in my eyes. Options galore, and reliable.
  17. Laying on the ground in a fighting position at the base of Mount Fuji. It was pretty crazy feeling, to say the least. I would hate to be in a building during one.
  18. Having my own range allows me the freedom to teach more effectively without the confusion of other patrons at a public range. Meaning, the quality of instruction per student with me, can be where I need it to be for me to get to know the student and how they are as a shooter. The CR rate is $75 per person and, $125 for a couple. Non CR is $100 per person and $150 per couple. Please bring the people you live with that are over 21 years old. I have a few hand guns to rent if someone needs to use them for $10 + ammo. Most people will spend 30-45 minutes on the firing line with me teaching and evaluating them one on one. I have worked with people who have never even touched a firearm and taught them to qualify within this time. If more training is needed, we address it at that time. If someone does not meet the requirements at the range, they will be offered to meet with me another time to continue training at no cost for them to me, they just cover the weapon and ammo they bring or rent from me. Once they meet the requirements, I sign their certificate and they are all set. Should they choose to not want to continue training, they may opt for a refund and go through someone else who is more lenient. Same goes for the written test; we will retrain another time and focus on the areas of concern. No one in my class has scored below a 90 on the open book written test. People have scored a 100% on the written test and not passed the range, requiring retraining. The dignity of those who need to retrain is protected. No one in the class knows who did or did not pass, unless everyone passes, and then it is open discussion. Class starts at 8am and goes to 8pm in Johnstown, about 15 minutes from Easton. Please PM me or post here and I will save your seat. I look forward to working with you.
  19. That's impressive! Certainly a car I can put in my maybe list. Just looks like a ton of fun.
  20. Ahh, I forgot about them. I'm pass it along.
  21. Can I get a full word? Meaning? Link?
  22. This is a catfish Lee pulled from my pond Friday night. We don't have the exact numbers, but it's a BFF. Big fucking fish. He was using liver. http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l284/dsnowgod/EF293594-BD97-44DE-9734-0C09F76E8904-6256-0000050B34982D26_zpsf65a311b.jpg http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l284/dsnowgod/511E510E-906A-492B-AF8E-CC030127A263-6256-0000050B61F9ED6E_zps12be7b1d.jpg
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