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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. Have them reserfaced and some JB Weld, and you're back in the race.
  2. ^^ a better suggestion would be....?
  3. Tough times taking a shower. You never know what you're made of until you find yourself naked with another man who wants to hurt you. I usually have a couple claymores rigged up on motion detectors and just keep the phone near the shower. People know to call before they come over. If someone trips a claymore, they weren't welcome any ways. In all seriousness, that might be a little too hyper vigalant for most on here to be able to relate too. And I assume most post would heckle it. Hyper vigilance is typically a byproduct of being exposed to a situation that was out of your hands, but you wish there was something you could have done about it. It actually runs pretty close to PTSD, but does not require combat exposure to induce the thoughts. You could even find similarities with some ADHD symptoms. Every sinario can't be full proof and have a 100% safe result. It turns into an odds and level of want from the threat. If the threat wants you and has no care you have to meet that threat with the same level of commitment or out smart them and eliminate the threat. I joked about the the claymores to make the point that, most would agree that's a little over the top just to take a safe shower. But non the less, you would feel safe wouldnt you? But what if the threat knew you had claymores? They could shoot your house with a rocket, still kill you and win. Now we are getting pretty far with things, but where should it end? I'd say it ends with what you have done. You have dogs to alert you. You keep what you feel you need to near you to protect yourself. You've addressed your hazards and have thought through how to midigate them. It comes down to a risk assessment of the situation and being realistic. Dogs are a great tool and key to lowering risk at home. I would not suggest anyone post their home defense strategies on a forum. I want us all to look out for each other on CR, but we have had criminals on here shopping before. As with your home, mine is the wrong one to come to uninvited. I think discussing things like this should be kept to those close to you or someone who's info you trust and want thier input. On a side note, booby trapping your land or home, I believe is illegal. I think someone did this a few years ago with a shotgun rigged to a door. Two guys broke in, one got shot. The other took him to be treated. Police were called to the hospital. Investigation found the homeowner was out of town and rigged the door and the room had a safe in it. Home owner, was caught up in court. I need to see if I can find info on this though. It was like 5-6 years ago.
  4. Looks good. Same color green as my last house. I'm about to paint all the interior of our new house. Or maybe now I'll keep Jason in mind.
  5. Bring them to the next event and sell them outside while people wait to get in.
  6. When you had to explain it to them, did you have a current military ID and qual card? As I said before, people need to check with the sheriff in their county. I did mine outside Franklin county and it was more difficult than people have told me theirs was for Franklin county. This is a good place to exchange our experiences, but final word goes to county. And hell, that seems to change a little form month to month. It's going to depend on branch of service for what form # for proof of qualification. Let the sheriff tell you. If you are not still in, a DD214 means nothing toward getting a CCW from what I have seen. It use to be you only got a 214 when you were released from service. Now, I've received an updated one after every deployment. There's a bit of room for different experiances going through the process to get your license to carry.
  7. Thanks for all the props guys. If you are not actively/ currently enlisted, I don't believe you will be able to just turn in the application and qual card. If you are reserve or active, your weapons qual card and your current military ID is what is asked for. When I turned mine in, it was for M16. So I can't say it matters if it is M9 or not. I think they just want to see you have had weapons training and qualification. Contact your county sheriff for accurate guildance. I'd be happy to put a class together for you and your friends/ family, or work you in with a class I may have going.
  8. Mark, call me. Need to clarify what you want. Either way, I'm pretty sure I have you covered.
  9. Brian, I really hope someday we find out you are some undiscovered genius. Some of your shit is so far out there that I need a Discovery Chanel episode about it to get past my wtf.
  10. Looks good. I'm heading over to get my FD out of where it has been stored/worked on for over a year. About time we get some nice weather.
  11. Well that's just not right.
  12. I like this. It's shitty service. I got a ticket last week for no front plate. I was even I. Uniform and the guy treated me like I robbed a bank. If there hate their job and the people they deal with, leave. But the benefits are good and it's stable, I'm guessing. It bugs the hell outta me when a cop or other public service representitive comes across like they don't care. Dude was speeding. He knows that. Cop could have made the situation better and was lazy, is how it sounds. Send a letter in that explains the situation. Include the cops info and be very respectful. Identify the difficultly you experienced and that your handicap was ignored, leaving you confused in the process. Recommend a more thorough understanding be made between cops and persons who are deaf. Hope you hear something, but don't expect to.
  13. Don may not post on here much, but he and I have done business a couple times. Great guy and he takes great care of his items. GLWS
  14. My ex girlfriend had a large box when I broke it off with her. I think she's still pretty close to free. Sounds like many people are offering you their box. If you're still stuck, we get many here at work and I can probably get you taken care of.
  15. I took Clark for a ride in the specB last Summer and he has been looking ever since. He stopped out at the house last night, and again drooled for a GT or specB. This is just great timing. I can't see why it wouldn't come together.
  16. Mojoe

    22LR Rounds

    Todd tried too and got the same error.
  17. Mojoe

    22LR Rounds

    ^^ Tried online for an hour ordering from 2 boxes to 10 and the site would not process and order. Tried calling, endless busy signal.
  18. Mojoe

    Pistol cases?

    ^^FYI Store Closed March 25 through April 1, 2013 - We will be closed Monday March 25th through Monday April 1st for inventory. We will re-open for normal business hours Tuesday April 2, 2013. Thank you.
  19. LOL at Jelloman. We talk a lot off the board. I didn't put 2 and 2 together, I was getting pissed, like someone was trying to get to buy this before my buddy "Clark" did. Forgot what your name was on here. Hope it works out the way you want Trish. Clark, this is the car you want. Worth the wait if need be.
  20. I was texting with my buddy Clark at 7am about this this Morning. I believe he has PM'd you. He's been looking for a clean GT or specB for a while.
  21. Based on this being called a bench press, I would like you all to know that I can leg press over 4,000lbs. There was an old full size pick up that broke down. I pushed it out off to the side of the road, while the owner steered it. It was really heavy. That is all. Carry on.
  22. The article has many of the same issues with customer service I encountered and my write up posted here on OR. They are going to need to fix the issues and do a huge price cut with a good working product, if they want to recover with a good name.
  23. Mojoe

    PF9 Vs. LC9

    I have fired both and can't give a favorable review for either. PL9, just like the 380; the feed ramp to the chamber it too steep and if the cause for the failure to feeds that I experienced. Hollow point, or any flat nosed round will only worsen the issue. Given the use of the weapon, for personal protection, a hollow point round is likely to be used. Ball ammo or a pointed bullet will aid in smoother chambering. I spend hours with a drummle reducing the feed ramp and smoothing it to promote a smoother transition from magazine to chamber. I ended up just giving the gun away to someone, so they at least had something to protect themselves. I should add there's a lot going on in this little gun and both the 380 and the 9mm create quite a kick in it's small frame. I didn't enjoy shooting it at all. I shot a friend’s PF9 one time. I blame him for the failures I experienced. In one magazine, I experienced 3 failures to feed and one failure to extract/eject. He claims he had never had an issue and the gun may have been dirty. He said he cleaned it and shot it a couple days later with no issues and had never had any issues prior to what I had. The frame on this gun felt a little more robust and like it wasn't going to break. I think this assisted in making the gun more enjoyable to shoot and not feel like a stick of dynomite in your hand. I do like the PF9 pricing, design and function over the Ruger. The frame of both is very compact and I would even include the M&P Shield with these for comparison.
  24. ^^This I set the cruise at 71mph after passing them on the highway and have never had an issue. Did it last week coming into Columbus on 70. NO ONE would pass the cop. He wasn't running radar either. It took me 15 minutes to wade through the crap cars to get in position to pass. Then I just slow rolled out on him, with a head nod as I passed. He didn't care. He was doing 65mph, that's all he was goig to do. Worst part, NO ONE passed after I did. He stayed in the right lane. Left and center lane cars rolled 1 car length behind him, blocking the whole damn highway.
  25. Should be meeting up with people today. If there is fall out and more available, I will PM those of you expressing interest. Thanks
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