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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. I've been all over North 270 today, and all roads heading North are jammed. 315, 23, Sawmill, Cleveland Ave, and RT 3 are all jacked.
  2. Did she have a AM820 sticker on her car? Sucks to see that.
  3. Heard there were a few on here. Rite Rug is out of their mind. With $800 over other quotes. Pm me a number or call me at the number in my sig. Looking to install later this week or next week. Thanks
  4. I'm tired of your asshole driver style. Every time I see the bumper sticker, the car is either driving through traffic like a mad man or cutting someone off when there's plenty of room around the to not have to do that. Those assholes are going to get someone killed. Maybe that's what that station wants, send some people to hecen or hell. Who freaking knows? So I just tuned to the Chanel for my 5 minute drive to get lunch. Aparently, I need to figure out what The Lord has planned for me. And I need to figure it out today! It was said if I'm at work, or where ever(she listed like 8 places people could be listen from) that I should take the time to focus on The Lord. So I did for a second, I think this chick was trying to me fired. I got shit to do, and my boss isn't going to be happy with "I'm trying to figure out what The Lord has planned for me" as my excuse for not getting shit done. /Rant
  5. I'm interested I. The price too if Bob doesn't take it.
  6. I will be in the QSL area tonight for dinner at 7. I'll be texting shortly. Thanks Doc
  7. I'll need a couple Doc. I plan on getting there early. I know Kevin and a few other F's will be there and needing them too. Now to get the free time to get them from you. Thanks
  8. People need to think and be more situationally aware. If I understand things right, the guy with the AR is an Active Duty Master Sergeant. That's an E-8 for rank and you don't get that in short time in service. Even though it is an admin rank, you have been around long enough to know some things. Point being, have preventive measures to possible problems. Boston was just boomed. People are, and should be suspect to unusual or odd situations. Carrying the scary rifle is a given to cause issues these days. You're an uninformed idiot to think otherwise. How to mitigate the possible problem; call the law enforcement for the area you plan to be in for your hike. Make them aware of your intent and purpose, and field any questions from them at that time. Once everyone is on the same page and you carry out your plan, DO IT WITH NO MAG IN THE WEAPON. Reduce yourself as a threat. And for the love of humanity, don't look like 300lbs of smashed assholes wearing a bandana and a crazy ass harness to sling your friggen boom stick to. I like the idea of being out and hiking with some gear and what you might carry for combat or bug out. You just have to be smart about it and careful. Here's how not to do it. Months ago there was the walk on the Capital for guns rights. I did go to this with a few people. I was not pleased with the conduct of what I have to now call "the common gun owner". People walked fully strapped, with vests and other gear. Many people had AK's, AR's, a MP5 look alike, and many others. It was decided to walk the side walk around the Capital and not cause congestion. I thought I'd do a lap and end up where I parked and leave. I just didn't like the atmosphere or the mass of people. While walking, the guy in front of us carrying an AR and mag in it, all the sudden loses the bottom to the mag. He must have been messing with it or something, because they don't just fail. With the spring in it fully compress, he drops 30 rounds out the bottom of the mag that was in the weapon. WHAT. THE. FUCK. ARE. YOU. DOING? This, in my opinion is the common AR owner now. Until I meet you and see you handle a weapon, this is always in my mind.
  9. I don't post here all that much and it's not my forum. But, if I was Ben, and you came on my forum to gouge my members, your thread would be locked and you on probation for selling things until you can look out for the interest of members better. Putting arms list pricing on here just says "fuck you OR, I'm about me". It's just in poor taste. Worst part is, the person that would pay that now, probably isn't allowed to own a gun. And going by the rape pricing, I can't imagine there's much care of that or not.
  10. Will try to make it for base line on the FD. Have to work for a bit
  11. Couple PM's. Thanks I'm working them.
  12. Need electrician today like an hour ago somebody PM me with a phone number please thank you
  13. I have been looki g for a foot peddle for my guitar hero for months. All the used played I have hit, said they aren't taking the equipment in anymore. Anyone out there have a foot Pedal for the drums?
  14. April is pretty nuts right now. Going to have to be in May. All kinds of work getting being done to the house.
  15. When you weld to the block. ANNNNNNNNND back on topic resumes in 5 4 3 2 1
  16. I about split my samich out reading this LOLz
  17. Brian, imma revoke your cert. haha
  18. Now let's see if CR wants to say ok to that, or beat on it for 2 weeks and turn it into "Tim is a fucking communist and kicks kittens". It happens man. Nothing wrong with cutting the cord and letting it go.
  19. I know nothing about tuning. I shoot stuff. LOL My N/A legacy I had before was right at the 26MPG with K&N filter only. I would assume opening it up a little more with an exhaust might assist.
  20. The same CR, beat up the new guy for not being "an e-allstar" (I really like that phrase BTW), pushes away some great knowledge. I'm gonna nut swing for a second on Kevin Delgarn. His early post and pics with DETAIL were heckled by some. He's about the nicest "old school" car dude I have met in quite some time. I love talking to this guy and am happy that I have become friends with him. It's dudes, like Kevin, who lay low and even the people who have a known name that don't have time for the closeminded welcome CR can bring. Let's raise our class a little, but still keep the down to earth association we have hade.
  21. Thorne and Fill, holy fuckery. Not that I know either of you "very well", I can say Thorne did my tune on the specB and that car is about perfect. Find another Subie that can get 29.7 MPG and still have around 300whp map. Almost 2 years later, and no issues. When compared, same car to same car and mods, his work on mine has out performed others cars. And I have reliability aparently, after 2 years and 30,000 miles.
  22. What is equal value to you? I have 50 rounds of 5.56 I would trade.
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