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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. Talking to a few people around here, I'm hearing that TomTom is not accurate as others out there. But all hear say until I can find it proven.
  2. I'm asking this, using my iPhone4 nav along with it to double check route info. I'm also not sure I will always be in an area with cell service, therefore, I'm looking for a fall back to double check.
  3. Looking for the best, most accurate Nav/GPS out there. Must be portable to come out of the car. May be needed to have directions to the middle of nowhere, and yet still be able to trouble shoot traffic if needed. Looking for use in the US, for those wondering because I'm not there. I don't need to buy this right now, if someone knows of a new "awesome does it all" on coming out. Please post links to what you find. I'm limited, or blocked on some sites I can open here. Thanks
  4. Happened to me once. Happened to have a cap from the Slim tire repair stuff, which is a tool to remove the value stem. Got out at the next light, I was in uniform, walked up to his rear tire and took the value stem out. By the time I was just about finished, he stepped out of the car and was yelling in some fucked up language. He was no threat, just running his mouth. I told him to STFU or I was taking his green card and got in my car and left. True story. Henderson Road, two years a go, 6am ish, and not one other car around us. That's what pissed me off so much. Why the fuck cut me off with no traffic or need for lane change? You get a time out from driving.
  5. Planning on getting there NLT 11AM and making a day of it.
  6. I'm looking a year out from when I get back, if I don't come back here. Job offers for what I do, could have me able to retire by 45. Hard to pass on that. I'll have my 20 in and can go on the contract side. The job offers here are a dozen, plus. We will talk when I get in town next week. I need to look into you doing R&D for what I instruct. As for hitting MRM, I hope everyone is up for having a crazy time. If anyone is planning on going, but knows they are not leaving the lodge, I would like to claim an area for us and perhaps some of our gear. I like to bring my own redbull and Goose, but don't like to go to the car. I share :-)
  7. Mad Hater is awesome. Took care of me in a pinch and did great work. Offered to buy my old Subaru from me. The guy loves them. His offer was like 1500 over it's value too. Great guys there.
  8. Will do Doc. And didn't mean to post that as a downer. Things are not as bad as they could be here. And just got a guy here to sign up for the rally too. Columbus is looking strong for this. He lives in the Sawmill road area. Didn't mean thread jack.
  9. The Taliban sent us some iron rain. It was too small and not enough power. So we sent back some Arty. I believe it fit well, as we had a quiet night. A unit we work with often here, received all new M4's. The chow hall was decorated like crazy, but had no katchup. It's like cereal with no milk with anything we do here.
  10. Ohio's ice, and conditions in general are very hard to ride. Ride well in ohio, and you will do very well out West on average terrain. I would guess if someone in Ohio rides often, 40% of the time, it's in bad conditions, Vs. in places of better snow and elevation only having bad conditions 15% of the time. Add that their season is easily 6-8 weeks + longer than Ohio's, and what can we really expect? I have very little expectation for Ohio riding because of this. Ohio is a play ground; a toy to practice the basics and hope for a couple great days of snow a year. Jesse, it's getting harder and harder to stay in Ohio. You and Carrie moving West would make my decision much easier to make. I'm very close to just going out there to ride and retire in the near future.
  11. Jesse, I'm going to do my snow dance, so there is some damn snow there. This season is starting slooooow for you guys. Looking forward to this. It'll be nice to see everyone.
  12. Good to hear this from you. I have one sitting back there I have not used yet. Looking to get some nice snowboard footage from VT.
  13. Those guys have dick for dinner. Those were the gay.
  14. Not a single fuck was given in that video. And holy fucking box truck. LOOK OUT!!!!
  15. Just happy to see this because Africa is going to be a future combat problem. The AIDs too common there. This is pretty amazing. The Zombie /I am Legend stuff is pretty entertaining.
  16. I like the consept of both of those set ups. Very purpose built and functional. I can't say they would be a "go to first". But amn, if I found one, I would be pretty pumped.
  17. If my post in Howards thread had nothing to do with you posting this one, then just coincidence.
  18. I'm guessing since you posted this thread about 10 minutes after I posted what's quoted above, this is what you are referring to. Is there anything in my post arguable? You yourself chose a .308. On the hand gun side of things, I certainly agree with what you've posted. But in a rifle or a shot gun, the varied use of them provides a wide range for results. A .22 will go through on common house wall, both sides, and into another wall, but not out the other side. This may vary, depending on if it hits something in the walls. Stopping power, as I meant it, is simply what it takes to stop the person trying to harm you. Whether they are in a car trying to run you down, or drugged up and feel no pain. They won't all be head shoots.
  19. I use a Sony Walkman in the gym. Thought they were only old school, but that's what they call their mp3 player now. I think Mine's an 8 gig. Had it a few years. I like it. http://store.sony.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?catalogId=10551&storeId=10151&productId=8198552921666364173&langId=-1&XID=O:nwze465blk:dg_gglsrch:pe
  20. I wanted to see where this thread would go, so I waited a few pages. Take what you are comfortable and confident with. I like an AR platform and also see a 12 gauge as a make sense weapon. SHTF, I am taking both. AR is my first go to though. Chambered to .308; I like it for power. But, I would take a 5.56 for ammo, weight, and common parts. Those of you saying Mosin, I just can't get that. Other than they are a dirt cheap 7.62, they are almost one of the last guns I would go for. It's 36" long and heavy as hell! Slow rate of fire= not worthy. There are a lot of them, but I don't see it being the weapon you come across to be able to really call it common. If it happens to be in the area and I run out of ammo, I would go for it. But, no way am I lugging that PITA around. Shotgun would be way before this. Very few people are conditioned to carry this damn this for a long period of time. The 10/22, I love it, but can't justify grabbing it first. Just not enough stopping power. I'm thinking in the means of having to penetrate soft skin material, like house walls or common cars. I love it for hunting and not having to use a higher caliber, and the abundance of the ammo. Jesse already said it. Travel light. You'll be so tired from carrying all that shit, if you have to fight, you'll have no energy to defend yourself. Think realistic to your abilities and that you are on foot for a long period of time. Most people would struggle carrying 30lbs for a long distance. Pack your bag with what you want, then weight it. I bet most would be suprise how heavy things get, quick.
  21. Seats are filled with one fall back at this time. Anything can hapen, so let me know if anyone is interested as a stand by.
  22. Columbus to VT. Drive, Jan. Texas. June Indy to FL. Drive, June Somewhere out West to snowboard, Winter
  23. Mojoe

    Iraq Pepsi can...

    old sailor just sprays painted LSD-52, a ship sunk in the attack, on some guys EVO a few weeks ago. We as American's typically aren't informed enough to separate or know the differences in other cultures. Now, Japan idealizes us. When I was there for a year in 95ish, they loved the American life style. The People that we see in the US; that are from the Middle East, for the most part, are there because it's a better life and they know it. But we see someone with a burka or their head wrapped, and we think they are wearing a suicide vest or plotting. Now make no mistake, if you have a loved one lost to terrorism, it's hard to draw the line on whose friend or foe. My motto here is "be friendly to everyone, but have a plan to kill them". SOMEONE set off the rocket that should have killed my fellow soldiers and I. That's what it was meant to do. That someone is probably still nearby me. That's where I am and it's real. Most won't find themselves in that situation. Here's where I'm going with this. Hating on an entire couture/region of the world, or language for something is narrow minded and a terrible waste. We have monsters within our states as well. Read up on the people you might be trying to hate on. Their outlook may be different, but that does not mean they are a threat to the world we know. Fuck Pepsi. It tastes like shit. And yeah, it's too soon and just in bad taste as a company. Pun intended.
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