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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. Mojoe

    I'm out of here!

    "Going back HOME". Home = family/ where you grew up. Justin, I wish I could be there man. You are one of the coolest dude's I use to hang with. Thanks for all the help with the bike stuff.
  2. Mojoe


    I swore I would own another BMW when I sold my E46. And I will get another one someday. In before all the "I sold my motorcycle and miss it", people show up.
  3. I have a 2007 Legacy and had a 1999 Legacy GT before this one. Drove the hell out of it, like 20,000 + miles a year. Took care of it. replace what needed replaced and had it 5 years with no unusual issues at 176,xxx miles when I got rid of it. That said, now I have a lightly modded specB with a proper tune and it is by far my favorite car I have ever owned. I looked for this car for 18 months. Just make sure you get what you want with the car and take care of it the way it needs to be. You can roll around at 300 whp still be reliable, and have ok gas mileage.
  4. Video came on at the gym, no sound on the tv though. I was like, WTF? Now just watched it and it's everything I hate about most girl's today thinking they are the shit and have to have top end, when they are hardly worth your bottom dollar. She's not hot.
  5. Can it be done with a rotary? Absolutely, and it has been. Torque is not a rotary's friend and I believe it's a great factor in drifting? Can anyone add input to this?
  6. I hope this stays on topic for this guy. Drifting talk has not gone well on CR in the past. It's his interest, let him explore it. Were you wanting to keep a rotary in a FC, or go pistons?
  7. Mojoe

    Advice needed

    I just took my ACOG of my M4 and I'm back to iron sites. I don't think I'm going back to red dot,CCO. I just like how the iron sites are dialed in. I have a laser for marking and for EOF, but I'm done with gadgetry. I run a light for when I need it and the laser is with me, not on my weapon. When I get back hame, no laser on a rifle and I do have one on a P22 that's just for fun. Night sights is where it's at. Scotty, always a pleasure relating to your post's so I don't have to write so much. Many others in here are right on. I hope to get a range day together with some people next year.
  8. LOL, dude I've been out of Columbus and in Afganistan for over 3 months. I text you a few months ago before I left, but didn't hear back from you. I know your work keeps you busy. Read my thread in the pics and vids section. You'll like it. How are things with you.
  9. http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l284/dsnowgod/repostpolice.gif
  10. Creatine monohydrate fun fact; only 5 companies make it, and all the other supplement companies buy from them and call it their own. As for dosage: http://www.creatine-monohydrate.org/creatine-dosage.htm Here's what it says for use. In this article about creatine dosage we will discuss how much creatine dosage one should take. What is loading all about? But before reading this I would recommend you all read our other articles about what is creatine and how creatine works. First and foremost, the thing that you must keep in mind is there is no single creatine dosage that is right for everyone. The creatine dosage routine that you select all depends on your body, your daily routine and needs. It's all related to your body weight, your body fat percentage, fitness goals that your are aiming for, and the type and intensity of training that you are performing. Creatine dosage should be adjusted according to your individual needs, or as advised by your health or nutritional practitioner. What is the recommended dosage for Creatine Monohydrate? The typical dosage for pure creatine monohydrate is approximately 10-30 grams/day for a normal male. But there are many creatine products on the market these days. So, your creatine dosage depends on the type of creatine monohydrate supplement you are taking. It is always recommended to take the dosage as recommended on the product label. You must also read the directions to take creatine as written on the bottle. Creatine Dosage Instructions Your creatine dosage should be divided into 3 phases, namely loading phase, maintenance phase and wash out phase. Loading Phase: Most of the manufacturers and health practitioners recommend a loading dose until at least 5 days before you start to take creatine so that your muscles completely saturate with creatine. This loading dose ranges from 20 to 30 grams per day, or you can also calculate the dose according to your body weight (you should take around 0.3 grams of creatine/kilogram of your body weight). This dosage should be divided into 3 to 4 daily dosages. During the loading phase, it is very important to eat lots of carbohydrates because this will help you to utilize most of the creatine that you eat; otherwise much of the creatine will just be wasted and expelled out during excretion and urine. If you are preparing yourself for an athletic event then you should start taking creatine several weeks before that athletic event is set to occur. Maintenance Phase: After the initial loading phase, then comes the maintenance phase. A maintenance dose of 2 - 5 grams of creatine per day is recommended which is required for the maintenance of the level of saturation within the muscles. The maintenance dosage is just needed to replace the amount of creatine that has degraded during the whole day. Most doctors recommend that the maintenance phase should last for no more than 1 month. Normally, for most weight lifters after 1 month there are no extra benefits of taking creatine. After 1 month all the creatine you eat just goes to waste. The weight and muscle benefits which you have gained in that 1 month can be easily maintained through training. Many people do cycling i.e. they take creatine for 1 month, then go off for several months, and then again start taking it. As of now, nobody is sure for how long it is safe to take. Wash Out Phase: After the loading and maintenance phases are over, a wash out phase is recommended. The wash out phase is recommended so that your body recovers from the abnormally high creatine levels often associated with creatine supplementation. Most sport practitioners advise a wash out phase of 1 month. Is A Loading Phase Really Required? A loading phase is not necessarily required. You can just start with the maintenance phase, skipping the loading phase. But, if you want your muscle gain fast then we would surely suggest a loading phase. A loading phase helps muscles get saturated with creatine faster. Through the loading phase you will be able to get the results in just 2 weeks; otherwise with the maintenance phase alone you will get in 4 weeks. If you don't have any rush to gain muscle size then we recommend you start from maintenance phase only.
  11. Just posted a few links on FB, in my notes, of places I'm looking at. There are probably 6 more that I don't have now, but I will add to the list.
  12. Nice pick up Eric. I Picked one up, in a 380 before I left. I haven't shot it yet, but have concerns on the feed angle being so steep. Looking to pick another one or 2 up for family members when I get back though.
  13. Thanks Brian man that's solid, and thank your co-workers for their support. Carri would have my ass and yours too. Hell, I'll have to play it like you never knew if I do talk about it to her later haha. We get a lot of activity here. For about four days we were getting hit about twice a day with rockets. But since this one, we haven't had any. With 9/11 this weekend, I think we will see some activity. Shit Scotty, I'm here and don't know what your saying sometimes. haha. Thanks for putting some things together man. Did you get my message about the laser on FB? You would like what I have going on tomorrow. Instructor certification for CCO and ACOG training. Cake day and get to play. As for out going, I don't recall for right after what I wrote about. But, we are lighting shit up all the time. Birds of every kind are here. So wish I could take pics and post them. I know the guys on here would love it too. OPSEC is a fine line and everything in the back ground here is intel. That's why the two pics I did post are pretty close up. Again, everybody, THANK YOU for the support.
  14. Buy this damn car so I don't have to keep being tempted with it. Shit's just sweet and I'm outta garage space with the specB and the bike.
  15. Like we haven't dropped $10k in our RX7's for uniqueness and performance. Best bang for buck, fuck no. Feel like a baus with a suprise under the hood everytime you hit the gas, fuck yes!!!
  16. Should go on this car. GLWS http://www.horsepowerfreaks.com/partdetails/HPF/Turbos/Turbo_Kits/E46_M3/11037
  17. They actually have what we call a Kevlar diaper we are suppose to be getting. No one wants it. just funny in a not funny kinda way. Good info. I will past that along to the guy who was injured. And as for pic getting out there, I have a couple more I can put up and we are checking on more, like the rocket itself. We might be in the same area it sound's. we should talk. Fun will be had for sure when I get back there. BTW, this info does not get commented on Facebook, the girl and family don't know and I'll wait till I'm outta here before talking about it. Thanks Bro. Thanks for all the support everyone. It means a lot to read the comments on here. I'll post what I can.
  18. Actually, funny you should ask that. It was suppose to be a surprise, but I believe he knows now. They are suppose to encase it for him and present it to him. That's pretty awesome. The guy has had some close calls. A mortar hit 15 feet from him and went off 2 weeks ago, and he had some small arms fire about a week ago. Oh, btw, he's a mechanic. You should see what happens to our cooks. haha
  19. LOL. Brian I know what you mean. I know on the same day this happened, a friend of mine found out how powerful 3 arty rounds strapped together are. He's ok, but damn if these boys here play a little different. It's like they don't want us here. I mean, geez.
  20. Thanks guys. The math on all of it is impossible. The guy wounded, I believe is getting a Purple Heart. He's pretty old school tough. He came off like, who the fuck hit me with a rocket? It's funny now when we talk about it. Everyone there was pretty awesome and there was no panic. I can't get over that. Everyone got out of the way or was helping. I was proud to see them all do their part. Other citations were noted and coins from people who like to give coins were given.
  21. Some of you may have read my post in the chatbox last week. Well, here are a few pics I can show from the aftermath. Here's what happened: Five other soldiers and I were in a room. The building is nothing more that a plywood and 2x4 structure with poor construction, but it stands and we work out of it. The room is about 18Lx11W. I had been in there about 5 minutes and 2 soldiers had just walking in the door. I didn't even hear the sirens go off to warn for rocket attack. Suddenly, the most insane boom possible. But no explosion. Yet something went boom. A soldier to my left was blown across in front of me. Then I was heading the same way, about 3 feet. I found myself and 2 soldiers laying on the floor. There was a pause, I yelled is anyone hit!!!!? From the doorway "yeah, god damnit". "I need some help". He was calm, but stressed. He stood up and came to me before I could even get to my feet. I asked where you are hit. I saw............ his mid section was torn up. Shard's of wood were all over him. He had blood from a small cut on his face. His hand was bleeding. He dropped his pants and just everything was peppered with blood. Sounds terrible, right? I search him like crazy, with this much blood, I had to find where it was pouring from and stop it. I yelled get a medic and it echoed awesomely as people passed it along. I needed a dressing I thought and started to take my shirt off. I got hit in the hand perfectly with a medic bag, Like NO SHIT!!!. Fucking perfect. I go to open the bag and the release is fucked up, I just rip it off. There's a gauze roll right on top, but I want a pad. Fuck it, I'll pack the roll where I see blood and move on. I place it to the right of his groin. My mind is assessing at a peak rate and I feel like I have this all covered, except where the hell is the major blood loss? I'm reassuring him that he's good. Ton's of punctures from small shards are all over him and he is already showing bruised from the blast. I tell him I have to look under his underwear, maroon briefs were his choice that day. No one's being shy, it's just fix my shit and get me ok. That's all that matters. He pulls them to the side and I fear this is where the bleeding is going to be bad. I see blood. In my head, I'm like damn dude that suuuuuucks. The right side of his sack has some blood and I could see he had blood everywhere in the area, but no major bleeding. I need combat gauze, I think to myself, or maybe out loud. And no shit, the soldier on the other side of me just opened one and hands it to me. My wounded soldier is waiting for the worst and I keep telling him, it's punctures. I ask him if there's anywhere that is really bad. He says his hand hurts. I look at it and there was a large splinter in it, but not bleeding anymore. That can wait. I go back to searching for more, thinking he could be numb from the blast. There's a hand on my shoulder and I here "we are the medic's"."We got him". In a second, I'm out of the way and have downloaded what I did and where I left off. Now there are too many people in the room. I say if you aren't a Medic, get out. There were 5 of them there. The room was mangled. Broken chairs, desks tossed, a printer smashed on the floor. Too much shit in the way. I yelled clear the door, I'm throwing shit out. One other soldier was outside the door clearing the chair and printer as I threw them. I looked over the small wall built up in the room to section it off, about 3 feet high. I see a canister in the debris. Fuck!!!!! I know what that was. I yell, get him up and get him out. NOW!!! I look over my shoulder and see a soldier I know gets shit done, I tell him to Get EOD here now and have people clear the area. I help get my wounded soldier out of the room and they get him clear. I know he's doing ok. I just knew I didn't have to worry on him anymore, they got him covered. Several of us are clearing people back, trying our best to get the known distance that we need to cordon off. Emergency crews show up and then EOD. After they cleared the area, I went in with them and talked them through what happened. Yup, I watch CIS and that's what it was like. We determined the rocket clipped the roof nearby. Then perfectly hit a tow bar, knocking the fuse from the rocket, before it slammed through the wall. http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l284/dsnowgod/100_0047.jpg The rocket tumbled like in the cartoons, left a perfect silhouette. The round hole just next to it is actually the rear of the rocket, the propellant section. The rocket itself had 3 lbs of High Explosives in it. EOD said everyone in 15 meters would be in pretty bad shape. Those within 20 feet...... well, it's a good thing it didn't go off. What was the boom then? I know my ear's never rang. Was it adrenaline? But no ones ears were ringing that was in the room with me. I was 6 feet from the impact. WTF?? This thing was fired from up to 6 miles away. The speed and and weight of the rocket at impact was so fast, it hit with a boom. Now, here's where you can say, OMG!!! The guy who got wounded had his M4 slung around him. He remembers getting tossed, but we all thought it was the blast/boom. Then we couldn't find his weapon and we were like, where did you leave it? This guy is a good NCO and would never leave his weapon somewhere. so we kept looking. We found it. http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l284/dsnowgod/100_0039.jpg The fucking rocket direct hit his M4. Had it hit him, it would have ripped him in half. How do you even fathom how close that is? He was bandaged up. 75 or so puncture wounds. A piece of wood stuck in his dick. The General came to see him in the hospital and he tells the General, "They took some wood outta my wood, Sir". LOL Everyone is doing well and he is back to full duty today. Just thought I would share. Thanks for reading.
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