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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. I like the style, but would like a little darker finish. Thanks Tim And every time I get on TireRack's site, I can't seem to search by size. It makes me put in the make of the car, and then only gives me 18" options, or bigger.
  2. I have looked and asked and it's down to this. I can never get either a price, the right off set, or someone to call me back from chasing down wheel's for my snow tires. The car is a Subaru Legacy specB. I DO NOT WANT 18's!! I want 17's with a 50 side wall. This will be my winter wheel and tire set up. You will need to do the research on the off set, because when I look into it I'm told 3 different one's and I'm tired of dealing with it. I have very little online use right now, I'm deployed. So this is an easy deal for a vender on CR. Tire's I have looked at and like are Arctic General's, or winter forces. Wheel options, would like to stay $600-$650. Looking for gun metal or a like color, something like this. maybe a 5 or 7 spoke. http://www.rotawheels.com/wheels.asp?wheelid=45 Yes, I just posted something like this on COS. But, I did not ask for a vender to assist, just for help finding a wheel. From there my research and time into doing this myself has been a waste. I'm done with it because I can never get anyone to give me a full answer. Feel free to pm me a link or pic of the wheel, price, and confirm the off set please. If what I'm looking for is unrealistic, inform me and let's do business. Thanks for reading.
  3. So Carl, when are you getting a Subie as your daily. :-). Great vid
  4. What's the name of your company? And are you the Broker, or you are a Loan Officer brokering through a company that's set up in several states? Regardless, keeping fees downs are always nice. What are the points? No one does loans for free.
  5. Congrats man. Car looks and sounds great. Hope all is going well it's been too long.
  6. http://www.break.com/index/worlds-most-expensive-lawnmower.html
  7. 7 minutes of amazing quote's. That was painfully entertaining.
  8. A friend had one growing up. We use to get on it with our snowboards, wrapped the edges with duct tape, an spend hours working on our grabs and landing spins. They are a top of fun. Just too much liability these days for people to own an accedent. It's everyone else's fault for not thinking for them.
  9. I remember went the interwebs was new. Sketches are just being over played like Rick rolled.
  10. Biggest pain in the ass with them is a Home owners association and the insurance that may be required, unless you live out on some land. The bigger the better though.
  11. All the shitty sketching and same boring cartoon face's aren't even funny.
  12. If I was around this year, I'd be looking to train with you. The good thing for me is, when I come back to Columbus, youll have done most of the search work for me probably. Lol Good luck. I'll be checking in with you later.
  13. There's a place in Grovecity, can't remember the name, that trains bjj and MMA. I'm told there is someone there who is Level 3 Combatives too. Once you do any bjj, you soon see Combatives has many flaws, especially the first way they teach to pass the Guard. Many of the ones above are well recognized. Garcie's school in Gahana is where is would check out. Is all preference, call them up talk to the guy training/teaching and then go train with them a few times to feel it out. If it's not your kind of place, check the others out. I was driving 37 miles one way, 4 nights a week, to train where I wanted to. Pedro Garcia, is the only person outside the Gracie family to be brought in and trained with them, he grew up with them. He was 2010's #1 trainer of the year. He, like the Gracie's, have school's all over the US. Just an FYI. I personally like a school that focus's on bjj, but has a MMA night to train as well. What I don't like about the place's in Columbus is everyone wants to be a " fight house". And they turn it into a tough man contest every night. Or our school is so much fucking better than where you train. Everyone is a pussy if they don't train with us. I don't need that BS. I just want to train and not have drama and stand around measuring dicks and talking about how many tough guy tattoo's we all have. Dover, you'll see this. Soldiers train. And they keep on training. People will show up for "class" and at an hour, they are ready to leave. Fuck no. That hour was just to show you something new, or refine what you know. Now it's time to roll and put it in play. Or do drills to get it all to come together. That's just how I see it.
  14. Fucking BRILLIANT!!!!! I got next.
  15. I have only been one time. Casper has been several and may shed more light. We went on a Saturday with great weather, and there were 3 slow downs that were local farm equipment. Other than that we were at the limits of the law and our ability.
  16. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&q=Ohio+555,+Ohio&aq=&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=31.646818,84.990234&ie=UTF8&geocode=FbWaWwIdpW0d-w&split=0&hq=&hnear=Ohio+555,+Ohio&ll=39.630019,-81.97998&spn=0.240093,0.663986&z=11 If you do the Dagon, get up early and prep your car to be sure you are making a sunrise run. The air will still be crisp and there should be light, or no traffic (great for filming).. was going to post pic from 555, but they are all on a friends Facebook page.
  17. Agreed. That's like the most played/known song for them. Saw them last year, maybe year before with Off Spring. Ran in to Casper there. Learned I don't do well in mosh pits. I guess you aren't there to fight. lol
  18. Dragon is way crowded now with idoits unless you go mid week. 555 is close and had a great time there.
  19. Who is this directed to?
  20. I agree with the last few posts. There is a ton of room for improvement with most cars. A three rotor anything, would be awesome. The cost to have someone work on these cars sucks like a car that is $50k+. Its like the arguement from people about iPhone and droid. It's preference and purpose.
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