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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. Mojoe

    TW VS. WOW

    WOW. You know my dude Matt from the BBQ's, he's an installer. Last week, I had 3 laptops running on my wireless and 2 XBOX's online playing, all at the same time with no issues.
  2. Mojoe

    goodbye cr...

    Do good Paul. Know what's right and do it.
  3. There has to be at least 6 threads on the CTS, V or not. C'mon, really?
  4. Saw a white one at Fratz 161 today coming from the toy barn.
  5. They subscribe to a network that pulls info on people. Cell phone #'s went public 2 years ago and they have a skip tracer searching for this person known to be, or have been in the area you are. Your name being the same fucks you. Your wife's # is on the same account, I'm guessing, so that's how she gets the call too. Dept collection is long, dirty work. And it's sold like cars. If you have not heard about this in a while and then it pops up, make sure you are getting the company name. I'm guessing the next call will be a different company, meaning the last one sold it because they couldn't get the guy. So long as it's not on your credit, it just sucks If you're really bored and what to know all your rights and the limitations of collector, read this. http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/edu/pubs/consumer/credit/cre27.pdf http://rhol.org/fcra/fcdca.htm
  6. Ordering bulk ammo in high caliber.
  7. I have 100+ GIGs of music and want it organized. No iTunes and not media player. Anything else?
  8. Can't be they want to sell it too bad. I've had 4 FS threads this week, and all were sold in a day or 2. Except for the helmet. I'm not looking to manage them a long time. Post it. Someone buy it. And be done with it. Maybe they have something going on where they can't reply. But you have gone far past a good buyer at this point.
  9. Hate it. Would rather see an open cubby hole to stash things
  10. ^^Damn beat me to it That clock is gayer than 12 cocks touching. And the display has a clock.
  11. Mojoe

    CR Poker

    Hard to get people to show up for less than $60. I get the "fun" part. And I hate taking money from people I know. Not saying I win all the time, but I never want to put a friend in bad spot for $. And there has to be the understanding that you don't show with what you can't afford to lose. $20 and less is a game people come up with when it's not planned and just what they have on them, for fun. Planned games are for fun and need to be worth the time and drive. Fun is a byproduct and is a given, since you know like minded people are there. You're not there to come up with how to do your next build, BUT, that may happen. That's the fun. A $20 game will have people All In in 30 minutes. Then the game's over. Now what? I've played the high roller and the low baller games. Some with people on here, Eli, Howard, and Tilly. Tilly witnessed my Royal Flush in a tourny I played in on for Howard when he was out of town. Find 8 0r so people who agree on an amount, then they play. It might end up being different groups.
  12. All I could imagine was fish tripping their balls/fins off under that boat. I like it. Have a hottie skinny dipping at night, it works.
  13. Mojoe

    MRE's for sale

    I see what you did there.
  14. Mojoe

    MRE's for sale

    Lock it up. A member came over this morning and bought all I was willing to sell. thanks guys
  15. OK. What you posted above is in the right direction. Clear tip, blurry black is a good phrase to remember. Clear tip being the front sight post. Blurry black being the target. This sighting system is not going to be, the "shot the wings off a fly at 100 yards". That's why the military uses it. They teach shooting center mass. From there, your sight picture, sight alinement, and shooting fundamentals become the challenge of being a good shot with those sight.
  16. There are several sight types that fit your description. To be sure, I provide accurate info, do you have a pic looking through the sight? http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l284/dsnowgod/SightCompWeb.jpg
  17. Mojoe

    nasty storms

    Roberts/270, sirens were on, then off. They are back on and it's calm out with lightning.
  18. What's that chick speed bitching about?
  19. Mojoe

    MRE's for sale

    Roberts and 270, Hillard'ish
  20. Mojoe

    MRE's for sale

    Someone commit. Would like this done ASAP so I don't have to move it. Schmuck, we can work something out on that coat.
  21. Mojoe

    MRE's for sale

    $50 for all in the pic
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