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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. Mojoe


    I messaged a guy for you. I'll let you know if he's interested.
  2. Not a sports fan to begin with, and then take the sexy out of a women by putting on gear and playing football? No thanks. It's an attention whore sceem. Just shy of being a stripper, but you have to be able to play the game. Classy, compared to porn, I guess. Can't imagine where these ladies are in there life for this to be a focus. Didn't make the cut for WWE? Is their hope that one day they will be looked on as the pioneers for the league, and earn the right to wear all the gear guys do and not have to use sex appeal to get a crowd, because they have "real talent"? On a side note, never have I lived some where where so many females are into sports. I mean watching and follwing a sport. Because there are waaaaay too many I see in Ohio that don't exercise or play a sport. Go fist yourself with your "gay" comments, before you even start with that shit.
  3. Yup, I caught that deal with you guys. blades for the RX7 and the suby or the year. Guy at the counter just smiled at $93 in wiper blades. Hahaha
  4. Mojoe


    I have quite a bit of ammo and seem to be saving up for some unforeseen event. :-)
  5. Couple things: They are beyond drunk. I'm thinking on something. Who wears a wife beater to a wedding? That guy does. How popular is the Latin rave scene?
  6. Good car day for people. Meet for this and then go to DYNO TUNE for the rest of the day. Wish I was going to be in town.
  7. For what it's worth, parts stores do buy one get one free at least twice a year with the Bosch Icon's. I always stock up. Saves in the long run and they are ready to go when you want and not have to make a trip to the store becuase you doubled up.
  8. True words right there. Didn't have kid issues, but was happy to get a lady on my side. Good luck.
  9. Mojoe


    I'm sitting here thinking how I can justify the money, effort and time into them anymore. The last few years I have spent a few hundred dollars a year and had quite a selection. Anyone who's been to my house for BBQ's or sitting around the fire pit knows, something is getting lit off. Problem is it's just not worth it if you live inside the 270. And if you don't have a sure place to let them off, then you just end up with a ton of them. This almost happened to me the last two years. I'm not buying this year, and that's one of the reasons. Last years stash ended up in Vermont being let off on my Uncles farm. An hour and a half straight of non stop lining up a dozen at a time and setting them off. Mostly mortars too. Toward the end, I was just trying to get rid of them. Vermont doesn't sell fireworks, so the family loved it, but the pain in the ass it was just doesn't balance. With my job, I get to shoot and use things that go boom and other fun devices. So without fireworks, I still get to have the same fun. Just wondering how those of you that buy firework relate to what I'm posting?
  10. Bosch Icon. I'm a fanatic about a clean wind shield. They last the longest and they clean the best. I treat the wind shield with 2 coats of rainX every 4 months, and it just makes it that much better. Before I rainx, I scrub the heck out of the wind shield to ensure it's clear and clean. Yop, they are expensive, about $20 each. But worth it for not having to replace as often and the quality.
  11. I don't know the name of the songs, just track numbers. 2, 4, 6, and 12 are the ones that I play the most
  12. So it came out a week or so ago and I bought it. I never buy CD's but have been on the road a lot and wanted some new sounds. I've always been a big fan of all the covers he has put out, so I was looking forword to the CD. Disappointed would be an understatement. But wait. I just didn't hear anything I was looking for. There are some good drums, but I was looking for more hardcore focus on that. It's not. There are several artist's on the CD and each song is by a different one. So I listened to it again. And again. And now it's pretty much on lock and repeat. Diggin it, so check it out.
  13. That Walther is the most comfortable gun I have ever held. Though small, still a bit much for a pocket.
  14. Mojoe

    Spoiled Kids

    Too true I had the same thing happen to me with a Kid in his dads BMW 535XI. It didn't turn out the way he thought it would and his buddy in the Accord behind him decided to try, and failed to. Very happy to have a daily with some pep to it.
  15. I'm impressed Di. Nice reference. For what it's worth, I've been looking for weeks at them and can't seem to find just the right one. It's frustrating, but worth waiting for the right one. GL
  16. So fast, I didn't realize he was already done the run. WOW
  17. The posts you guys have made are exactly what I was wanting to see and have discussed. I wish I wasn't away from a computer this week to be more involved finding things out. I'm on my phone for this.
  18. This is not my field of study so I'm kind of kidding and kind of thinking out loud. Right now, the amount of radiation in a twenty mile radious from the nuke plants is leaking per hour, what most people get and are safe in a year. With that said, what are your thoughs on these things: How long can that level be contained and do you think yet will keep it from getting worse? With the levels being so high, what kind of side effects are the people there going to have? Is this the start point for the zombies attacking? It's like they are throwning a cup of water on a bon fire to try and put it out. Discuss.
  19. Nothing complex about that. It's just science at that point. And science is fact!! We gonna die
  20. There have been 6 major earth quacks since 9/11. Where the math on them? Should we divide, will there be the need for complex equations? Dumb
  21. Mojoe

    RIP: nate dogg

    Playing regulators now prepping to go out on patrol. Fitting. RIP
  22. $100 for someone to cone to my house and unfuck my fenders with a roller in my garage. If other arrangements are needed let me know.
  23. Thank Ryan. Things are pretty slammed until after the first week in April. After that, I'm game for getting some range time in with you. I'm shooting the next few days here for work and them have 4 more days next week. Something I never get bored with.
  24. A while back, I saw where they were having extraction issue. There's a vid of a guy who says he tried 5 different ammo makes and the only issue he had FTE with was some Company I had never seen or heard of. Other than that, he says no issues and there's a chance the FTE issue had bee corrected. I'm not a Glock fan for how they fit my hand and function, though I do like this design that Diamondback has but together. I just need to put one in my hand and know it's going to work before I pull the trigger on it. Pun intended. Thanks for the update. I was hoping to see more respose in this thread.
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