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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. Mojoe


    *please don't let this turn into another estrogen battle. Welcome
  2. Surerhawk and I PM'd briefly last night. Jenn, thanks for the kind words. This is not the 1970's anymore. We are also not in a rural area, for the most part. Buying a home is nothing more than an investment these days and should be treated as such, DEPENDING ON YOUR GOALS. If your goal is to buy and house and retire in it, put all the money down, or into it you want. Less than 5% of home buyers do this before they are in their 40's. If you know you are going to move, why put money into the home? Equity does not earn interest. Leave the money where it will work for you, invest it or leave it in an account to get interest. Paying off a house would be great, but it might not be the best move with your money at an early age. There are so many options these days, it's overwhelming. The most important thing is to feel comfortable the people you are working with have your best interest in mind. On this site I simply put myself out there to help advise. If someone wants me to do their loan, we can go from there. My consultations are free. I would rather guild people on here to a good decision, than get money from them and have tension.
  3. Mojoe


    Please clarify if you have an "A4" that you are going to turbo, or an S4 that you want bigger turbo's for. Also, because you are new, know that this board is a blend of all cars. So, not that many people may know your car. Be careful of the advice you on forum's, it can be expensive. PM, troublemaker on here. He's a good friend of mine and has an S4. He will point you in the right direction. Good luck.
  4. Attorney Generals office. Get him busy on someone being illegal and get him out of my industry
  5. The guy has lived 100 mens lives in him life. BTW, server is down right now.
  6. If you can get it done. Do it. Good luck. If you don't want to put any money down and have a rate close to that, let me know.
  7. EDIT #2 - NWS http://www.bangedup.com/post.php?media=10292
  8. EDIT - NWS http://www.bangedup.com/post.php?media=10296
  9. I want to know who your lender is that will do a stated/no doc loan @ 6.5% with 20% down, with no closing cost.
  10. Seriously though: I hate your story because I see it all the time. I was just talking about this too. Meet hot chick stop working out. Yet, it's the reason(among others) she got with you. Now you miss the feeling and look of all the hard work you had done. You feel complacent. Basically, you are fine eating all the time, as long as it's real food. If you want abs again diet is key. You don't have to workout like a mad man all the time. Just know the more you do, the more you'll have. I'm not ripped, but my abs show. I work out at least 3 times a week when I'm busy. And 6 if I can. Be active. Get off the fucking couch tubby. She will curl right up with you and get fat too. Go do something together and be active. I'll stop there I could go on for a while about this stuff.
  11. Mojoe


    I had 150 cars when I was 7. But, they were Match Box cars.
  12. Eric, we need to race. let me know when. on foot. Hit the gym!!!
  13. Seeing how I'm only one with an avatar, you must be talking to me. I ask for nothing on the need. I take what I like on the net. Looks like we have good taste. lol
  14. Mojoe

    Remembering 911

    I was at work already; thinking I was going to get a jump on the day by being there early. I was listening to Howard Stern. It didn't seem real when he first started talking about it. I was in my 6th floor office with a window, thinking of all the other business men in New York who went into work a little early that day. It was the most coward act of violence. I couldn't believe anyone would do that. Semper Fi to those who have paid for our freedom with their lives. And to those who continue to protect how we live.
  15. Mojoe

    New to CR

    One of the best of the cuff replies in a long time. With in 2 minutes of the original post no less. Well done Brian. and welcome.
  16. Sam just stopped by my office and did a burn out on the roof. True story. Watch for it on the news.
  17. @ only 10lbs, that's pretty good. Are you going up to 16lbs eventually?
  18. This show was ghetto/trash haven. The tolerable people were very few. And the annoying people had us covered 20 to 1. Let alone the chicks that thought they were the hottness. I have never understood the shirt off thing here in Ohio. I only see it on dudes that have nothing to show. And it was not that hot out. It's like they want people to see how scronny they are, or how fat they are. Nasty. In Hawaii, it completely different. But, that's there. Most of the dude's with no shirt on at the show were so small, it would only be a fight if it was 3 of them against you. Cinci is the one place in Ohio I hate going to meet clients.
  19. I'm very anal about who touches my FD. I, or friends, have done all the work. I have not done any business with Logan or Peter. I have talk to them on the phone going over things enough to know I have wasted too much of their time on things that are no big deal really. But, they have always been informative and ready to work on my car. Go by their shop and look at the fenders on Logan's car. I have never seen anyone get the roll so smooth and get it to roll that far. I saw no issue with this paint either. Everything looked like it was made that way.
  20. Actually YOU ARE the one not using words right. It's "you're", not "your". Or if you prefer, "you are". Who's the dumb fuck? I don't call names. I was just wondering.
  21. That vid could have been sooo much better, but I forgot I had my camera on me when Sam was staged. Here's what happened. He looks over at Sam's car and tells his boys "Ahh shit. That's that TT Vett from IPS. See It's got the IPS sticker on it. That thing is like XXXX HP" I'm 3 feet from the guy, and look to see him pointing at Sam's YELLOW car. This guy obviously didn't know Sam or Tilley(whose car he was talking about). I was so discussed by how he was going on and on about cars he knew nothing about, I just interrupted him and said, "no". Wrong car. I then realized I'd just missed one of the funnest situations to film. So I got him while Sam was warming up him tires. He was still acting like a goof ball, but he was so much more animated before I corrected him. It would have been comedy gold had I got him talking about Tilley's car and point to Sam's. Rookie film guy.
  22. I have no pics. So, I can only compare others pics to online porn sites.
  23. Bunny ranch, or cattle ranch? Congrates on gettin the ladies there to play either way.
  24. Veronica Corningstone: Take me to Pleasure Town! Ron Burgundy: Oh, we're going there!
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