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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. Non competes are very hard to enforce. They need to be area specific and from what I've seen (when they are enforced) it's for 20 miles in the work area of that business. There is one case I know of that is 50 miles. And it's for a 12 month limit on all of them, for the most part. 5 or more years ago, companies were wracking in the cash on these. Some are still trying. Now if you are trained in something that is a trade secret for that companies success, and then go out on your own with their idea or tool that is key to them only, that's different. Good choice though. Good luck.
  2. I think we saw maybe 5 cops on there over the 3 days we were there. It'll be something to watch for. It might be worth researching to see if there was a recent string of accidents there to start the new patrols increase.
  3. So your saying that at election time, all these candidate parties go out and get permits in every city? Nope. And these groups put 5 up on every corner. No way I'm going to feel bad about putting up a sign that tells people there is someone out there that can help you save money or get in your first home.
  4. Eric, I'm glad to hear this. Stick with it for at least 21 days. Call me if you need any info. Turbomark, I just don't like doing it. I know there isn't much to it. But, something I have to learn to be more comfortable with.
  5. Thanks Eric. Today is that last day I will have to mess with it for a few weeks. I'm into it pretty far now. Everything it run where it should be. I need to connect power, grounds, and other wires(hate that part) to the right stuff. Decided to unfuck my head unit wires and Amp, while I was in there. It'll be worth it in the end. But, fuck it was a hot day for messing with this. Thanks for the offer to help.
  6. I did 2 cats, nuts and claws for $299 a the Spay and neuter clinic last year. they are on Billingsly rd. Just declaw is cheap. Just do that and be done with it.
  7. Sounded like at least 300hp to the paw.
  8. I would like to make the boost part of the cluster. However, I'm not doing that now. It will be mounted on the steering column. I don't like piler gauges, so no gauges will be going there. Is not that it's something I can't do. I just hate working with electronics. And it's easier with someone else there who know what they are doing. The wide band is done. It just needs a 12volt hook up. And the boost controller won't take long. It's open if someone wants to. If not not a big deal.
  9. It was funny. I wasn't mad by it. it was more like a Homer Simpsom " Duh".
  10. I need someone who knows wiring and is bored today. I'm off and plan on working on the RX7. Very minor things that are a pain in my ass. Boost controller (mostly the power to it) and same with my wide band. I have everything in my garage that is needed. I just hate doing this stuff. Food and drink is provided and reasonable compensation. pm me. Thanks
  11. Mojoe

    Credit Cards

    WRONG WRONG WRONG! you have PM. call me EDIT: Not so wrong. Ryans head is in the right place on this.
  12. Thanks Shawn. Right now she's a hot chick that just lays there. But, soon she will know how to do more than just look good. Thanks again Mitch
  13. Don't tell anyone. But, the car just got a fresh new start on things. Test pulls last night were making boost at 3000 RMP's. Still need to find a way to regulate it though.
  14. Thanks for the good pics Mitch. It was fun watching you giggle like a school girl from margarita's when everyone went out to eat. LOL. You and that damn hot pepper picture was killing me.
  15. Big fucking deal you tards. Look, I don't know who you are Becki, but this is the same thing I have done from time to time for business. She doesn't have to be a company. She's not offering 401k. It's extra fucking $$$. Basically, " Hey fucker, you do this, I pay you. What is so hard about that? It's easy money for someone. Let alone each of her signs cost a minimum of $9 a piece. So every time you put one out, she is throwing away. It's not like you get them back to use again. All this in hopes, someone sees it and calls. This works. What is so hard for you guys to see on this? Good luck. sorry for the rant. Millers a good guy. Let him do it.
  16. It's funny to read "crappy chow hall food" from the Air Force. Barracks are "dorms". I
  17. Just get 2 other solid people to go. If no one else shows, you guys still had fun. More is great, but I wouldn't wait on everyone. Too many missed opportunities. I for one, would like to go. I know I'm way too busy this summer to commit to it. So if I know you are going on the 1st and that ends up being free for me, I'll just show up or let you know the day before.
  18. Here's how it's going to happen. 3 or more cars that know each other say this is when we are going. Then open invite, and let people know. Things with continue to fall apart with too many opinions and schedules.
  19. Completely depends on the driving style sometimes. Many people have no oil issues at all. I've always kept a quart in the trunk of my cars. I thought most people do? The rotary is not an engine for someone who does not want to pay attention to it. If you ignore it, you will pay.
  20. This April with the RX 7 club. http://videos.streetfire.net/video/d03e9961-b830-4798-82d6-991a00aa7387.htm
  21. Magic 8 balls says, Steve want to play with his Wankel again.
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