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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. Best car I have seen for a while. http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?car_id=213253314&dealer_id=77511&car_year=2002&search_type=both&num_records=25&keywordsfyc=&make=SUB&transmission=&model=&distance=25&make2=&address=43220&default_sort=priceDESC&advanced=&certified=&max_mileage=&max_price=10000&sort_type=priceDESC&min_price=2000&body_code=0&end_year=2007&keywordsrep=&color=&start_year=1981&drive=&engine=&fuel=&doors=&style_flag=1&cardist=0
  2. When it gets better you should fist her with it for revenge. joking
  3. Mojoe

    It's a bomb!

    I recken you'ld get your ass kick for that. Funny though, in a fucked up way.
  4. Mojoe


    Some people are better off riding a bicycle. How can you just leave your car out there?
  5. What's your #? Ohh, there it is. Got it. LOL. free bump.
  6. AWD, or stay home is my opinion. It is not easy driving out there, even with AWD. I'm looking to leave Columbus around 4 to get there for 6 and hopefully be early. I have no problem driving slow. I have the camera mounted in the car and will post if I get good vid.
  7. Glad to here it Mike. Hey, can you post later on how down shifting your auto AWD does? I think the AWD for me in a 5 speed may be the difference in what was posted earlier. I would like to hear how your Audi does. I think the auto would not be good, but wondering. Be safe out there guys and don't try a new driving technique without trying it in a safe place and being comfortable with it.
  8. I didn't think an auto would be very good at this, as I said, I have not tried it. In a 5 speed, you need to let the clutch out slow. I should have said that, but thought is was common knowledge.
  9. Enjoy your ride to work this morning Mike? LOL. All very good point's.
  10. That vid is every bit of 5-10 years old. Rocco is a madman.
  11. You sir are a credit to have in the community. Thanks for thinking of others. You have reached PIMP status. Carry on.
  12. Here are a few things I've noticed while driving that can make the snow not SO bad to drive in. A lot of you probably already do these things. Completely clear the snow off your vehicle. Other wise you are a mobile blizzard for the other drivers around you. And You are putting more snow on the road. Don't forget to brush off your mirrors. Let your vehicle run to warm up and turn the defrost on half way to clear your window's. If you have 5 speed, down shifting will slow you down faster than breaking in short distance. Should be same for auto, but haven't tried it. ** Have your vehicle prepped before the weather gets here. I good set of all season tires is not expensive. I just put new ones all round for about $300 w/ mount and balance. Have your fluids full the day before; fuel, oil, washer fluid (always over looked), and good wipers. I can't stress the wipers enough. If you can't see, you can't drive. Spend the extra $20 on good wipers, it is completely worth it. When you park your car, pull the wipers up and leave them there. That way they don't freeze to your wind shield. After letting the car warm up, then put them down. Scrapping the crusted snow or ice with then will shorten their life. I hope everyone is safe out there today. And most off all, watch out for the other people on the road that should have stayed home.
  13. I'm at my office, but we are closed till 3pm. Re-evaluating the weather to see if we might just close completely before then. I'll be at Mad River Mountain for 6PM, anyone interested?
  14. Waiting for time and details. I will record it and post the vid.
  15. Jesse, I have done my boards that way for over 10 years. It's very easy. The only reason I would go to a shop is to have the edges done or if I didn't want to take the time to work the board myself. I have seen shops that use a house hold iron. Also, although it was a while ago, I know that the Burton riders would use the same thing when they got a new board and were going to ride it same day. Working over a board takes at least an hour, they way I do it. But, that is better than $30 and 3-5 days before it's done. If someone decides to use it, it's on them.
  16. https://www.daddiesboardshop.com/index.asp?PageAction=Custom&ID=7 I would get one of these too. It's not hard to do yourself. http://cgi.ebay.com/Dakine-Essential-Tune-Tuning-Kit-Ski-or-Snowboard_W0QQitemZ140083768809QQihZ004QQcategoryZ62170QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  17. If your board is really scratched up, it would be worth while to resurface it.
  18. The blowing up of the ice sculpture has been confirmed. Stand by.
  19. I will be there tomorrow from 6 - 9:30pm. If someone heads up there shoot me a PM. Eric, you don't need to have someone wax your board. I use this stuff. works fine and I've used it for the last 3 years. http://www.skiboards.com/tuning/zardoz/zardoz.html
  20. Eric, I might be up there on Sat. Shoot me a PM when you know what time you are going to head there.
  21. Code reads: "big dent, passenger side rear, needs looked at". "Trucks fine, drive on". LOL sorry Eric, couldn't resisit.
  22. Ben, I wouldn't mind helping you out with learning how to ride. Remember, I'll help you with this, you work with me on the auto X. LMK
  23. I don't think it is over analyzing. I see Rotarded's point completely. The reality is; all it takes is someone getting in a serious incident, accident with car, or injury to body. The way attorney's are these days, combined with the lack of so many people taking responsibility for there own actions I could see a bad out come. I hate that reality. The fact is; it's not public property, it's private property. I would be more worried about so kid coming out there and trying to be the new DK and hurting himself or others, than cop issues. We have to realize that we put tire marks on just about every foot of that parking lot. If the lot management saw that and didn't like it. I bet the gates are closed. Also, if that lot was not plowed AFTER we tore it up, no way am I going in there. Our packing of the snow and clumping of it has frozen like that over the last week. I do not want to be in mid drift and hit a frozen rut. The best you could hope for would be knocking your car out of alinement. Maybe that's not such a big deal for you guys with trucks. The group that was out there last time was great. I didn't know everyone, but thought they showed respect for safety and other peoples cars. It's only a matter of time, just like the thrift store, before some idiot's show up and ruin it for everyone. I will be on the slope for every chance I can. So I'm really not going to be out driving much. But, I will be PM'ing a few people. Good luck and be safe. BTW, being worried about cop's is the laaast thing I would be concerned with. Here's how the call to CPD would go: CPD: How can I help you? RAT: There's kids in the parking lot with their cars doing donuts in the snow. CPD: Is anyone hurt? RAT: No. They are just sliding their cars all over. CPD: Is it your property? RAT: No. CPD: If I have an officer in the area, I will have them stop by. At this time, I have 30 accidents that are waiting for an officer and we are running everyone on a double shift with 75% of our force on duty. It might be awhile.
  24. I still see where you're coming from and not arguing it a bit. My intentions are quite clear in this thread http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=33717
  25. Mike, you know I was joking about the key, as much as ANYONE on here. We talked about this and understood what the other was saying. So you have to know I was kidding with the key bit. I've instigated nothing.
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