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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. Mojoe


  2. Ok, so The benz Guy and MegamanEXE are in my crew. I have one more spot still to fill. No more than 4, because of too many opinions and too many people to baby sit. Kidding. I like the replies. And who ever said the Veyron. That car will only hold high speeds for 12 to 18 minutes, then it's out of gas. Kuruma, you said an FD. As mush fun as it would be, I could only do it under perfect conditions for a get away. And only if it was my exact set up when it's all tuned and done, and at night. You can't go for in an RX 7 without refueling. example; I went through a half tank of gas in 20 minute driving about 105.
  3. Congrats Copperhead, I'm glad you liked it.
  4. Here's my thought: I can't over look the ability of a sport bike. For a straight up, cops are after you and you can't get caught with the loot you stole for your kids operation. On another side: you have to get to the Cincinnati airport in 50 minutes to catch the last flight for 24 hours to get to a friend who is dying of cancer, and you have the cure for cancer. I'm looking at the STI to get me there. If I have to cut through a median or make my own off ramp. I think the set up would take the beating and be fast enough for me to get there in time. Tsunami/ area under attack: What I'm looking for is something with some clearance and power. Yet, it needs to be fast or at least quick too. I'm thinking I would have to go with the FJ cruiser. I know it may not be very hard hitting. But, if I had to get out of an area, I think the fuel use would last longer then something packing huge power. It's smaller and more maneuverable and still a very strong option.
  5. This could spin off a hundred ways. That's why I said choose your scenario.
  6. Brian, that thing is badass. But, let try to keep this to realistic, everyday cars seen on the streets of Columbus. I know someone is dying to post a pic of a tank.
  7. Mojoe

    c5 vette 200 mph

    From the driving schools I went to: you have both hands on the wheel UNTIL you need to shift.
  8. We are thinking the same. I like the other posts too. Keep them coming.
  9. Sema http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l284/dsnowgod/sema%2006/IMG_0375.jpg
  10. Mojoe

    c5 vette 200 mph

    Hey thanks for waiting till you hit 170 MPH before using 2 hands on the wheel.
  11. I have a big bank heist I'm planning and can't decide the car to use to get away. Just kidding. On a serious note: If you had to get away from someone, maybe that are trying to kill you? Maybe the cops (don't recommend)? Maybe you are in an area that is under attack or natural disaster and need to get your spouse and kids out of the area. So there is your urgency. Your location is within the 270, and I would say you are looking to get at least 75 miles away. Let's limit this to realistic vehicles that most people see frequently. Please include your scenario and why you chose that vehicle. I will post mine later.
  12. http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://autoblog.it/uploads/ariel_atom_clarkson_video.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.eurocarblog.com/post/134/pagani-zonda-f-the-fastest-according-to-top-gear&h=229&w=405&sz=15&hl=en&start=40&tbnid=x9pNEhdhgIseIM:&tbnh=70&tbnw=124&prev=/images%3Fq%3DAriel%2BAtom%26start%3D36%26ndsp%3D18%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26channel%3Ds%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26sa%3DN http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/41/ArielAtom5807.jpg/500px-ArielAtom5807.jpg
  13. Per head of transportation for Dublin schools: "With the wind chill being -20, the concern was for the walkers and the younger kids waiting for the bus". "Our buses do not have AC". "I'm not aware of any schools in this area that have AC in their buses". "It is an option". He was very nice about the info. I did not grow up in this area, so my experience is from growing up in Vermont. My thought was if we had AC up there, it should be here. I stand corrected. I actually called on this over an hour ago and have been trying to finish writing it, but been a bit busy here at work. Just thought I would share my findings.
  14. I don't see that as impossible. I'm sure it's just an option like everything else. We are both making our points. I think yours are understandable. I hope you see mine the same. Nothing more than point of view and experience. Unless some School guru gets on here and sets us straight.
  15. 1) In the 11 years I've had my bus license, every bus I have seen or been in has had AC. In the 33+ years my family member has been a bus driver, they have had AC sense the mid 80's. It is common practice to have the AC on all day as a bus driver. 2) Is it really 0 usage? 3) The athletic wing is always cooler and never really heated up all that much. This is so the people playing the sport are not sweating their balls off. Not being a dick. Just stating the reason. There are going to be variations. I know they schedule for closing the school. I know we are, for the most part, wasting our time on this. But, there are some good points made for closing school. I'm not involved with the school system. Nor do I have kids. I'm simply saying today is a weak day off for the kids.
  16. Without trying to split hairs too much here, there are very valid points made to close the schools. But, with so many parents loosing a days pay, who really saves here? I can see the school saving on the light bill, but not the heating. And over all; that MAY work out for the total years budget, but they don't turn the heat down all that much for nights and weekends. You can't have the pipes freeze. Let alone; let's not forget, it really isn't that cold today. On the diesel savings; I'm a little undecided. Would it cost more to run today, where the engine is running cool as possible? Or, does it cost less on the hot days when school is going and the AC is being run by the driver ALL day with no kids in the bus, and the engine working harder in the hot weather? If we had consistent winters here it may be easier to say one way or the other. As it is; we are still using salt from 2005 to put on the roads. So money is being saved there.
  17. They know the tepms will be low. The prep work that goes into starting a diesel in cold is not hard. Our military verticals are diesel and for the most part will start right up at -15 + wind. And that is with out them being plugged in. My family drove buses for the school when I was growing up and I remember going to plug the bus in the night before it got cold. I also wouldn't think it realistic for Cbus to have 250 extension cords going out to the buses at night in one lot. Smaller schools should have no problem though. Sorry for the rant. My .02.
  18. Kids are growing up too pampered. If not by the parents, than by the public. Everyone is so afraid of getting sued, they postpone life. The way we are going; in 15 years, if someone runs into a survival type situation, they are probably fucked. And it all is based off of school closings for it being cold. Kidding on that. I'm not trying to be anti-progress. It's just that it's not all that cold. Yes, it sucks out. But, cancel school? Run the buses, if parents feel it too cold, it's on them to get there kid there or not let them go. Now you have a parent calling off. Less money coming into the house. Taxes still have to be paid. Day off from school for this = cost $ on both sides = lose.
  19. Mojoe

    EVO VS STi

    I would lease the STI. For modding or purchase, the EVO. Many things posted above are my thoughts exactly. Good luck.
  20. I hate this fucking car
  21. Fucking great. LOL! That shit is funny
  22. How negotiable are you one th price? I found one from an S&M site that actually had had Paris Hilton on it. They were only asking $650. LMK.
  23. Jesse's on fire. Better recognize.
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