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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. Mojoe

    007 rice

  2. Damn you. Crook! I would say have her find a forum of her interest.
  3. You've picked all my favorites. However, I'm a huge ricer shooter. I have no rifles here in Ohio. Main reason is, you can't hunt with rifles here. So basically I'm a shit talker and I apologize. hahahaha I also have a Saleen S7 for a daily driver. However, I'm ok with a side arm and have been told they can be rented at the powder room. So, someone just say when, and I will do my best to be there.
  4. Open sights. Anything over 250 meters. Rifle only. Who wants to play?
  5. Mojoe

    brand new

    Damn you. I want to be old school too.
  6. Did they change it from the $10 unlimited play from 8pm till close?
  7. Call Jegs. I got mine there and I know I only paid $25 for it. I looked on there site, but couldn't find the one I have.
  8. Mojoe

    brand new

    Hey, I'm new too. Welcome. Let me know if you want me to show you around.
  9. Concaved; interesting. Not the way I thought they'd be.
  10. Linn's just waiting for the dude to finish lubing it, so he can hit it. LOL
  11. Those things are great.They are in comparison to the H1 when it comes to off road. If I was to get an SUV, I would be getting an FJ. I like the solid color. I don't know why they are mostly 2 tone.
  12. I drive by it everyday. I can't wait for it to open.
  13. When you go about the financing, do not mention anything about it being a school house. lenders will call it a unique property and your ability to get a mortgage MAY be very difficult. It may still read that on title, so do everything you can to get that phrasing removed. Sounds like a great set up when you are all done. Good luck.
  14. Both need their dumper poked.
  15. I started out racing matchbox cars on a closed course back in the early 80's. from there I moved up to BMX. I got out of racing for a bit in the 90's and started skate boarding. In 2002 I got on a road course and now that's where I try to get to as much as possible. Though I'm pretty much out on the Friday and Saturday night, like everyone else.
  16. Mojoe

    BLACK for Xbox

    It's a first person shooter. After you complete the last mission, leave it running though the credits. It lets you play the last mission again with unlimited ammo. Get the RPG and the Magnum, and it's fucking great. I rented it from Block buster and burned it to the box, so no xbox live for me.
  17. Mojoe

    BLACK for Xbox

    Has anyone played this? I picked it up last weekend and couldn't put it down. The missions are pretty long and I had it set at "normal" for difficulty. It doesn't seem like there are that many missions, 10 I think. You have to shoot people like 5 times before they are down. The sound is outstanding and as real as I've heard in a game. It will rock your surround sound. The only thing frustrating is at the end. It ends way too soon. It would have been nice to have save points so you can turn the thing off too. Over all, fun game.
  18. That's actually good, if you guys are testing tomorrow, isn't it? Sucks for comfort though. Let me know when you are back in town man.
  19. These made me LOL. V8KILR - Glad I'm not the only one. AudiOn19s - I need to get back to the proper detailing. You sir, may have just inspired my weekend project.
  20. That thing is bad ass. I'm getting one just to play with the cat. He's jumping about 6' in the air now.
  21. Doc's right in his interpretation. I don't recall any news station or news papers in this area reporting accidents caused by "sports cars" or "bikes". If the car or bike crashes on its own with no one else involved, that's a good wreck. Not smart, but the best you can ask for. I do understand what you're saying, but it hasn't happened around Columbus for quite some time. VS. me saying these trucks are in Columbus and not being used (for the most part) as anything other than a daily driver. And Doc, it was on Saturday. So, would have to think it was for the monster truck show. Which is even more disgusting knowing that. Now my thoughts got to wannabe redneck sitting in the stands saying my truck'll do that. It's not just here. My family is in Vermont, we have a 23 acer ranch and bought a truck to work around the ranch. They never tow the horse's anywhere. They would buy grain, and put it in the PT cruiser. They finally got an SUV a few months ago. Now they love driving int he city. Go figure.
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