Doc's right in his interpretation.
I don't recall any news station or news papers in this area reporting accidents caused by "sports cars" or "bikes". If the car or bike crashes on its own with no one else involved, that's a good wreck. Not smart, but the best you can ask for. I do understand what you're saying, but it hasn't happened around Columbus for quite some time. VS. me saying these trucks are in Columbus and not being used (for the most part) as anything other than a daily driver.
And Doc, it was on Saturday. So, would have to think it was for the monster truck show. Which is even more disgusting knowing that. Now my thoughts got to wannabe redneck sitting in the stands saying my truck'll do that.
It's not just here. My family is in Vermont, we have a 23 acer ranch and bought a truck to work around the ranch. They never tow the horse's anywhere. They would buy grain, and put it in the PT cruiser. They finally got an SUV a few months ago. Now they love driving int he city. Go figure.